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"What will you have," Mr. Tanner asks. He pours his own glass of something brown and I feel nervous.

"Is it okay, t-to have a drink?"

"Of course, of course, just a little with dinner. If you want."

"Okay, I'll have what you have, Christian." Christian nods and pours me a glass of wine. The dining hall is big, but not like a castle's size or anything. It's definitely bigger than my dining room. I'm pretty sure 10 of my houses could fit in this one manor. I take a sip of the dark liquid, it's sweet but also slightly bitter. I feel so awkward, like I'm not fitting somehow. I guess that's how it feels when you meet someone's parents formally, it's supposed to be awkward and tense.

"So, Jay, how are things at school?" Mr. Tanner asks me. Easy topics, thank you for reading my mind.

"Wonderful, actually. It's hard, don't get me wrong, but I think I'm handling it well. I've got lots of essays already I have to finish."

"He's such a good writer, he should seriously try writing something real, like a novel," Christian flatters me.

"I could never, I wouldn't be able to keep up with it. I hit writer's block every time I try."

"Well," Mr. Tanner starts, "if you love something but don't have motivation to do it, it cancels out. I know exactly how that is, especially when you don't have time either."

"I'm sorry you never have free time, Mr. Tanner. I hope this entire evening isn't taking away from something else potential. I would hate to intrude." I take a sip of water instead, gulping hard. I don't know why I'm losing my confidence so drastically. I know I'm welcome, but I can't help but be overly humble. Maybe I'm nervous or I feel guilty forcing my sexuality on Christian's dad.

"You aren't taking up my free time, this is what I'd like to use it for. It's nice to have you, don't think you are intruding at all." We hear the chime of a bell and someone enters with a metal cart stocked with steaming food. The smell hits my nose and I'm instantly in love. The food is set in front of me, my mouth is watering, and my eyes have dilated. I don't even know what exact pasta it is, but it looks and smells amazing.

"Well, dig in," Mr. Tanner says and I take an eager bite. I don't really speak while we eat, allowing them to ask me simple questions about nothing in particular. I tiptoe around certain things, just struggling for him to like me. I know I'm with Christian, but his dad has to like me, too. Once we finish, our plates are cleared and dessert is served. I nearly take a bite and Mr. Tanner asks me a question I wasn't quite ready for.

"So Christian tells me there is a trip? To New York? Do you know anything about it?"

"Of course, we talked about it at school today. But it's just a dumb idea we thought would be cool. I didn't think to bring it up."

"Oh no, Christian is very excited about it. I think it could be educational and I'd love to go with him, but I just can't take a week off from work. But..."

"You can go for him so I won't be alone!" Christian says excitedly and I chuckle nervously.

"I hate to take your money like that..." I trail off but he quickly picks me back up from my slump.

"Money is no object in this. And I do not expect you to pay it back. This is my gift to you, for everything you've done for my son and I. I'm very grateful that you pushed all of this along. So, the only question in this is if you want to go to New York with my son."

"Your boyfriend," Christian whispered and Mr. Tanner grinned, agreeing.

"Uh, y-yes! I'd love to go, thank you! This is... thank you." I'm at a loss for words from the kindness shown from the man I thought was a monster. "Thank you, Mr. Tanner. This is too kind."

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