• epilogue

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It's been nearly a year since Christian and I started college at New York University. The semester is winding down. Now, it is Spring Break, and Ethan came to visit us in the apartment in New York City where Christian and I have been living. He immediately coerced us into following him on a crazy road trip to the New York countryside, and we agreed. We have no idea where we are headed as Ethan will not disclose that information. As of right now, the sweet Spring breeze flows around us in Ethan's fine ass convertible.

"So Jay," Ethan starts, "How is my son treating you?"

"Oh, he's doing absolutely amazing. He takes great care of me in the big city."

"Dad, what did I say about asking us about our relationship?" Christian presses.

"Not to?" Ethan asks. Christian nods, turning back from the front seat to look at me.

"If you want the truth, Jay and I are doing better than ever. Everyday, our love only grows. Even though we are stressed out and fight a lot about errands and whatnot, at the end of every night we go to bed on good terms and still in love." I kiss Christian on the cheek.

"Madly," I add.

For the rest of the ride, wherever we are heading, I reflect on what it was like when we were just in high school. We saw Ethan everyday back then. Now, we're lucky to see him once every few months. But that's the damage of going to school across the country: not seeing your family. That doesn't mean things aren't still happening in the others' lives.

Ethan and Tobias are happily engaged. I am not sure why Tobias isn't here, but I guess he must be busy. I miss that guy; he's really one of my favorite people I have ever met. I'm glad he's my soon-to-be father-in-law.

Quentin and Hector are doing fine. Tragically, Quentin's mother fell ill and didn't make it. It was hard, and the last year has been tough for him. But with Hector by his side, and the rest of his family, including us, he's making it alright. In the wake of Quentin's mother's death, his father came back and took his sons under his wing again, this time much more accepting. Quentin told me all about how his father is remorseful of allowing his mother to pass away without making amends, so he is doing it now. It still makes me tear up thinking about how everything worked out for them.

Kelsey and Rosie, my dysfunctional yet perfect lesbian babies, are getting married! Rosie made it big with a record company and is working on her debut album. Kelsey is playing the supportive fiancé role, and she's doing a hell of a job. Christian and I, regretfully, haven't seen them since high school graduation. I'm sure the weed they smoke now, with Rosie being a big shot, is probably dank as fuck. I'm jealous.

Jessie is on a path of self-discovery. Her college days are treating her well. I love how experimental she decided to become; it warms my little gay heart. We see her very often, since she goes to school just two hours away. We meet halfway a lot to hang out. I've met many of her love interests and can honestly say I'm impressed. Life is great with all of my best friends.

My mother and my high school principal are dating, still. I don't know how she hasn't gotten tired of that asshole. If she and I were anything alike, she would've gotten annoyed by him already. I'm kidding, of course. In all honesty, Mr. Nolan— erm, Jackson is what he wants to be called now— is a really nice guy and deserves a woman like my mom. And she deserves him.

My biological father, Nicholas, is in prison for a lot more than robbing our house. The police found so much dirt on him that he'll be lucky to get out on bail. The enemies he has made will probably keep him from making bail anyways, so that's wrapped up. I remember going to court, without telling Mom, and my story about how he conned us and stole from us really helped the case against him. She was so pissed that I got involved, but forgave me when I told her he is going away for a long time. Christian helped me through a dark time of daddy issues, but I'm better now because I have Ethan and Tobias as my gay dad's.

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