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Christian's fingertips graze up and down my abs, giving me a tingling feeling inside. I gape at how much closer he gets to the elastic of my briefs with every stroke, and his intense stare into my eyes. I haven't even known him for three days, I haven't told him I love him yet, and he is ready to be intimate? I don't know if I can handle that. I might crumble under anxiety and nervousness, and if anything happened between us after whatever we do tonight, we might never be able to fix it, given the awkward past that we will have and–

"Jay?" Christian interrupted my cloudier than normal thoughts. "You alright?"

"Yeah," I croak, then clear my throat. "Yeah, I'm good. I'm just exhausted, let's get some rest." I try to lie on my side, but he keeps his hand down on my stomach.

"Is there something wrong?" he asks, oblivious to the fact that I want to move slower. I thought he wanted to move slower, but I guess he changed his mind.

"Please, I just want to take things slow. And not just for you, for me, too."

"Well, I want to make it up to you, seeing as how you have been so... so helpful in every way. What can I do?" I think for a moment what could be intimate but not too sexual and fast. Then it hits me like the pain I felt falling from a 15 foot hedge.

"My back hurts pretty bad from this morning, I guess." Christian's eyes light up and he grins happily at something he is more than welcome to do.

"Sounds like a plan, do you have any muscle relaxing lotion?" he asked and I scoffed, as if I'd have something like that in my room. Then I remembered when I played baseball Freshman and Sophomore years and the muscle relaxer lotion the players got from the coaches.

"Actually, yeah now that I think of it. There's a container with some blue lotion in it in my bathroom somewhere."

"Leave it to me, you get comfortable." He leaps from the bed and searches the bathroom for only a moment and finds the round container of ambrosial cream. I haven't had anyone use this on me since Jessie did after we lost the playoff game Sophomore year. That was one of the worst nights of my life and I hated baseball after that. I miss baseball sometimes, but more often than not, I was happy to be doing nothing that involved being surrounded by guys obsessed with getting drunk and groping cheerleader tits. I lie on my stomach, and pull my briefs down about halfway off my ass so he can work my lower back.

"Don't use a lot, because it burns," I warn, and Christian nods. He puts a generous amount onto his palm and rubs it in on both hands. Slowly but steadily, he coated every major stressed part of my back. He started with a steady motion on my shoulder blades, which ached immensely. Then he moved down right above the arch of my back and worked up and down my spine. His hands could be rugged if they needed to be, but the combination of lotion and his soft hands felt like heaven. Christian worked the arch of my back, and then down into my lower back which hurt the most. He digs into my sore muscles with his knuckles, which every few seconds made me jitter.

"Oh, that feels so nice..." I say, my face against the bed so I sounded half-asleep, which I was. Suddenly, Christian moves down onto my ass, which makes me panic slightly, but then moan in pleasure at his perfect technique. It's like he was trained to do this, and I nearly forgot I was just in my room with Christian. I began to drift into a beautiful outdoor spa with a trained professional in my mind. "Christian, are you a training masseuse?"

"Not at all, but I'm interested in physical therapy. Does this feel that good?"

"Better than anything in my whole life, I feel like I'm floating."

"Wow, I'm blushing. Thanks, Jay."

"No, thank you, this is great. And that– yeah, that! Do that more." I moan in response to his knuckles in the top of my butt. He rubbed downward with lots of pressure. I could barely lie still at the pleasure from it, lifting my middle from the bed. I hear him chuckle a little at me squirming at his touch, then he pulls my briefs down to reveal my entire butt. I awkwardly shift my legs and don't say anything, knowing it's just for a better reach. After a few minutes of my gasping every so often from the sweet pain, he softly runs his hands up and down my body and finishes, pulling my underwear back up with a pop of the elastic.

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