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"Finally!" Christian exclaims giddily as we head out of the school. "Friday, the weekend. Being lazy and no school!"

"I thought you liked school," I poke at him.

He gasps, "I thought you knew me much better than that!" I shrug and take his hand as we continue to walk to my car. I seriously need to get a better parking space much closer to the actual school building, but I don't mind the walks with Christian everyday. The breeze flows through his brown hair, making him look infinitely more handsome. I love fall, especially when the weather compliments my boyfriend in every way possible. Sometimes I feel creepy thinking about and staring at Christian, but I kind of know for a fact he does the same exact thing sometimes. We only made it about halfway to my car before we get stopped by someone.

"Hey, Jay?" I hear a voice I never wanted to hear ever again.

"Luke. Hi," I say slowly and turn around to face him. I can see his shit eating grin budding already. Get ready for some bullshit, Jay, I tell myself.

"Heard you were a fag now. Couldn't believe it, until now. Is this your bitch?" He looked to Christian and Christian's grip on my hand tightened a lot. I grit my teeth so hard, I thought I would bust them.

"Do not disrespect him. I'm fucking warning you." He stood right beside some cars that were parked, from which about 5 more guys emerged. Guys I used to play baseball with. Guys I used to call friends. So this is the toxic taste people get in there mouth when they see despicable people.

"What are you going to do, Jay? Beat me up? You're outnumbered."

"Luke, why are you doing this? Is it because your mommy and daddy are high off their rocker so much that they don't pay attention to you, so you have to torture me to feel better? Like filling a void, isn't it?"

"You shut your fucking mouth, Wilson. This isn't about me and my fucked up life. It's about you and your fucked up fucklife."

"What do you have against love?" He smirks, that shit-eater.

"I'll show you love." He charges toward me with a raised fist, swinging it at my face. I duck down, dodging the blow, and come up with my fist into his chin, knocking him back. He lands his ass onto the asphalt, groaning because he probably bruised his tailbone.

"You and your little boyfriend are fucking dead!" He stands and the other 5 guys come at us as well. Two of the guys go past me, and I turn to go catch them to keep them away from Christian.

"Christian, RUN!" I shout, hoping he gets away, as I am caught off guard. I get kicked in the back of the legs, my knees caving and slamming hard into the road. The pain shoots all the way up my body, and I feel the blood pricking my kneecaps. I roll over from lying on my stomach for a moment, but the three guys pin me down. I kick one in the groin, I believe Tristan, making him jump back and groan in pain. Serves the fucker right. I look up at the grimaces of two of my old friends, Josh and Pete, as they hold me by my arms and lift me from the ground.

My eyes are blurring from the immense pain in my knees, but I see a crowd has formed around us. I hear Christian grunting in pain from hit after hit, the tears beginning to roll down my cheeks. Luke walks up to me slowly, readying his fist. He's a pitcher, so this is going to hurt like hell.

"Please let Christian go, please," I whimper, losing all dignity and hope at this point.

"Hmm, let me think, no." Then his fist is slammed into my nose. Holy shit. I hear the crowd yelling, cheering, booing, every sound available. Slam after slam, my face bleeding so hard I can't even smell the air, only blood. My vision is failing, and so is my mind.

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