Disscussions and Celebrations

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Hello everybody and welcome back to Thoughts. We are on part 11 of this book. Also a quick thank you for almost 250 reads we are 2 reads away from that. I couldn't have gotten to this point without my friends and you guys reading the story. It feels like just yesterday we hit 100 reads. Also to think that I started this book about a month ago. It is just crazy. So now let's get back to the story.

--Scarlett's POV--

After I finally calmed down for. My excitement attack I quickly released that I just became overall happy.

"Does anyone else feel super hot?" I questioned them hoping that I wouldn't have to tell them my powers like this. But they all answered in a nope or just shook their heads.

"Well Salem, Kiomi, and I should be heading to our dorms. So goodbye and goodnight." I them quickly grabbed them and rushed out of the room.

"Scarlett what was that for?" Salem asks looking at me puzzled.

"Well when you guys came I got overly excited. Remember what happens when I get overly excited. The room would heat up but in this case it didn't." We started walking to their dorms.

"I don't know why that did not happen. Why don't you go talk to Major." I nodded then headed for my dorm. I changed into pajamas and went to bed hoping to get some answers. I felt my eyes getting heavier by the second. Then I let the darkness engulf me.

After a few minutes I opened my eyes again. I looked around at the familiar sight which was a black void. I got up and started to walk in a direction.

"Major. Major. I need you." I called out into the void. Hoping to see the familiar figure. After a few minutes of calling I found the figure.

"Hello there Scarlett. Is everything all right?"

"Honestly Major I have no clue."

"Well then. Why don't you tell me everything." I took a deep breath than began.

"Well it all started at the beginning of this week. I meet this boy named Will. Which turned out to be my twin brother. Then I found out my mom was an elementalist and my dad was a wolf hybrid. I would inherit both of their powers. But I so far got my mom's powers which was the element. I should be getting my wolf side this year on my birthday. When I first shift I need to do it by myself. Because if the moon does it my wolf will crave the power the moon gives us. Then just today I found out that Salem and Kiomi have powers to and are at the school. They told me and I got super excited. I then remembered about my powers and asked if anyone felt hot. But everyone said no. Then I came here."

"Wow. You surely had a busy week. But I think I know why your powers did not work. Before this I thought you were a weather elementalist. Someone who can control weather but now I think you are a psychic elementalist. Psychic elementalist are elementalist that can learn all elements. Their element adapts to their environment they are in. What happened was at your house your element was weather here it could be anything."

"So what you are saying is I am in no control of my element until we know what the element is."

"Yes that is exactly what I just said."

"So what do we do?"

"We wait for you element to show."

"So now we are playing the waiting game."


"Great. I have to learn how to control a new element and be careful. This is just like the last time."

"Sort of. The last time you did not know you were an elementalist but now you do. So your element will be easier to control. And plus if you can control enough elements you can switch between them no matter where you are."

"That sounds cool. Tell me more about this." That how the rest of the night went on. Him talking me listening and talking sometimes. It was fun actually until the dreaded noise came back.


I sit up and hit my alarm clock.

"Ugh. It's to early." I then fall back to the bed. Then get meet with coldness. I pat around the bed for my sheets. Where did they go. I keep looking but give up. Then get hit with a pillow.

"Nope. Not today. Get up sleepy head."

"Yeah come on we have school."

"So get up!" I knew those voices from anywhere it was Kiomi, Salem, and Will.

"Nooooo. Five more minutes."

"Nope those five minutes were five minutes ago. So get up." They kept hitting me with pillows.

"Okay fine you win I am up." I sit up and see them at the end of my bed dancing around like crazy people.

" You guys are crazy."

"Why a thank you kind madam." Will said while bowing.

"So why did you wake me up?" I asked them while getting out of bed. They all gave me looks saying "are you serious".

"Did you seriously forget what today is?"

"Yeah I did. Please tell me."

"You are a special person.Today is your birthday."

"Wait seriously."

"Yes seriously. See you always forget because you are caught up in school. Your birthday is a curse because it is so close to the start of school."

"Hey it's not my fault. What are we doing today then." .

"Well since both you and Will are turning 17 we are staying up for 17 hours. Me and Kiomi already planned out activities for us. That you guys will find out about later."

"Will did you know they did this?"

"Um..Nope. They did not tell me this."

"Well let's go have some fun today."

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