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*Looks at books because I want to write. Realizes I haven't updated in about 4 months. Decides to update.*

Hey look an update that's a surprise. This is long awaited and long overdue but I'm here and doing it. So last chapter besides a possible epilogue or author note but lets get to it.


Third Person POV so I don't have to keep changing.

Megan walks down the hallway briskly. Looking for the needed room. After a couple more strides down the hallway she finds it. She stands a couple feet from the doorway preparing herself. She runs through the doors fake gasping and heavy breathing. She looks up to see the three people she needs right there.

"Sir we have an issue in the main room and we need you to solve it." The man nods and follows her. The twins stay behind and continue to spare. After they start to leave Malcolm and Liam see there cue. They walk into the room with the twins. The twins stop sparing and stare at them. Malcolm and Liam stare at each other, nod and run at them. The twins dodge them and pull the alarm. A blaring siren erupts in the Academy.

The Sir with Megan knows whats going on and he doesn't realize until he is in the main room trapped. He is surrounded by two of his three highest ranked students. He smirks thinking something like this was going to happen. He gets and a fighting position. They begin to battle.

The twins are trapped in the training room battling their 2 so called friends. Malcolm fighting Scarlett and Liam fighting Will. The battle was intense. Scarlett was pinned down by Malcolm and the two were rolling across the floor. While the two bros were fighting with spears. Malcolm and Liam had needles hidden in their pockets. Waiting for the right moment to strike. Malcolm ends up stopping the rolling and pins Scarlett down. Holding her legs down with his and her arms to the side. He sees his move and takes it. Jabbing the fire like liquid in her neck. The liquid following through her veins not burning though. More like a water flowing. She ends up fainting.

Megan and Luke are fighting in the main room. The people of the academy seeing this chance to flee and go live normal not forced lives. Luke takes the first move running up to him to keep him distracted. Trying to pin him down so Megan can jab him. Luke gets thrown off him and fly's across the room. He gets back up and knocks him down. Megan comes in for the kill. Luke held him down while Megan jabbed him with the pitch black liquid. Hearing him scream was their sign to go to the training room and help their friends.

Malcolm kept a close eye on Scarlett making sure she is fine. While Liam kept fighting Will. The battle was very intense. Both people really good at fighting. Liam ends up getting pinned down by Will. On the verge of death. Just as the spear was about to kill him a force gets lifted off them. He opens his once closed eyes and sees Scarlett wrestling Will. Will still under the control sees Scarlett as a new enemy and jabs her in the arm with a spear. Scarlett yells in pain as the spear comes out of her arm. Will just stares at it. His eyes flashing different colors. Liam looks closer to see him crying. Tears were spilling out but no sound. Then he hears a faint whisper.


One word just flipped this battle. Scarlett lays there taking deep breaths while Malcolm helps her. Will just staring at her collapses against Liam's arms whispering over and over again one word,


That one word is what keeps them going. As the other two join up with them they rush to the medical wing to get Scarlett's arm wrapped up in bandages. While Liam carry's a now passed out Will outside being greeted by the people they love. Their friends. The rest of the people come out of the Academy. Bruised, cut, bleeding but alive. Everyone smiles. Realizing the adventure has come to a close.


Ahh!!! It's over almost. I am doing an epilogue soon I promise. That will take place in about a couple years from now. But be prepared. As the last note I will be typing for this book I want to say some things. First off thank you. Thank you for the support through this crappy book. I wanted to rush the ending but now that it's here I'm a bit sad. But happy to see this book go.

Word count: Almost 1000

See you next time- Author

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