Never trust the color blue

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Hello and welcome back. I am slowly getting back in the writing game. I am also writing this the same day as the last chapter so they should hopefully flow together. Hope you guys are having an amazing day. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. Now back to the story. Also special day it is double update day! Hope you enjoy it! Worked very hard on it also the song above is the song I listened to when writing this. 

+*+*Will's POV*+*+

"Well than let's have some fun" My "father" said. Then it went black.

I woke up in a white room. My chains removed from my hands. But are now locked down onto a table. My feet also changed down. I start to struggle trying to pull my hands and feet out of the cuffs holding me down. Eventually I give up then start to look around the room. The room is simple a cabinet filled with vials and a couple tables with clipboards and papers covering them.

A hole in the wall brings me out of my thoughts. I look up to see 3 people come in. One of which being my father.

"I see you woke up." I just glare some daggers at him.

"Got nothing to say you will soon. You just being up makes this more interesting." He walks up to the cabinet and pulls out a couple vials. He then grabs a needle and puts the blue substance into it.

"Now that you are powerless let's try giving you some new unique powers. That you should hopefully share with you twin." The other people start preparing other needles. Another one with a blue liquid and two dark red ones. He then stabs the blue on into my left arm. I scream in pain. The liquid spreading through my veins burning them. He then grabs one of the red ones and attempts to put it in my neck but I start to squirm. One of the other people a young girl comes over to us and grabs my head. Holding into one place so he can inject the liquid into my neck.

I scream in pain again as I feel the liquid go into my veins and up to my brain. My vision starts to go blurry. Black dots dancing around. Voices speaking but are distant. Then I welcome the blackness.

~*~*~Scarlett's POV~*~*~

I hear a scream from a room next door. I try tugging around the metal holding my wrists and feet down. To find the scream but the restraints hold me down. The screaming stops and a door opens up in my room. My dad and two other people walk into here. I let a low growl escape from my mouth.

"Stop growling you're not an animal" my father tells me. I just keep growling.

"Well than if you won't stop I will make you." He turns around and stabs my arm with a needle filled with a blue liquid. I start to scream. The liquid finding a way into my veins and burn my body. He then grabs another one and puts it into my neck. I give up on trying to get out. The fire is burning in my veins.

Slowly my vision started to dim. I started to sway slightly in my straps. My father came over me and undid my restraints that were holding me. I fell into his arms. Not bothering to struggle. My vision started to have black dots dance my vision. I leaned into my father's arms more. Than I just gave up on staying awake. I fell fully into his arms and let blackness take me over. 

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