New Issue

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Hello and welcome back. The song above was the song that I listened to on repeat while writing this. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Make sure to vote, comment, and follow me if you have not. Also thank you for 300 reads. Now to the story.

~*~*Scarletts POV*~*~

I turn around the pain in my neck slowly fading away. My legs slowly going numb. I see my family standing there wearing uniforms. A sad expression on my face. Then it is black. 

I wake up in a cold dark place. The floors and walls are damp stone. An iron door being the only way out. With a little window supplying a bit of light. I look around in this cell it is only me. Chains hold my hands together. Making me utterly useless. I tried focusing all of my anger out to make the room heat up. The power that usually flowed through my veins was not there. It was like my power was just gone. I hear a clicking noise and look up at the door. A young man was standing there. 

"I see you have decided to wake up." I just sit there staring at him.

"Okay you clearly don't want to talk but I am here to tell you some things. You little elemental powers are gone. We removed them from you system. We also removed them from your brothers. So you are now powerless. Your "friends" are fine we are just having a bit of fun with them. Also I have some food for you." He dropped a plate of food in front of me then left the cell. I hear his shoes clicking away then sigh. 

I look at the food and debate whether I should eat it or not. They could have bugged it. I decide not to. I look out the window darkness slowly falling onto me. I then hear someone yelling I'm the cell next to mine. 

"Where are my friends!?" I then realize the voice it belongs to my twin. The shouting stops then I speak one simple word. 

"Will?" I ask myself tearing up. 

"Scarlett" He responds. The tears start spilling out of my eyes. 

"Scarlett are you okay?" He asks me his voice hoarse from probably crying. That when I realise what they did to me. My clothes I was originally wearing were replaced with a tank top and some sweatpants my hair put into a braid. My feet are bare dirt and blood covering them. My hands also in this state. I lean up against the wall that is by his cell.

"Yeah I'm okay just a bit beaten up. How about you?"

"Same I am fine just a couple scratches." The wall that was once behind my back is gone. I then tumble backwards but I am caught. I turn around and give Will a hug. His clothes match mine the white tank top and a pair of sweatpants. We let go of our hug and turn around seeing all of our friends. We all go into a huge group hug. 

"So cute the little gang is back together." We let go and see my father right there.

"What do you want dad?" Rudeness lacing my words. My friends stare at me while I stare at my so called father. My fathers gaze drifts to Will who has a shocked impression on his face. My father starts walking towards Will.

"So this is my daughters twin brother. Thought you would be more useful." I step in front of Will.

"He is completely useful." I growl at him. He steps back from this comment with a suprised look on his face. Which soon turns into a grin.

"Well than let's have some fun." 

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