Plan time

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Hello and welcome back it's been awhile since I updated but I will explain that in my book called depression. But now onto the chapter. Also a short chapter sorry!

()()()() Liams POV ()()()()

I swiftly walk through the halls hurrying to find the trio of friends. I pass the labs then the cafeteria. Stopping in front of the main training room noticing the trio practicing in the middle. Megan is working on her aim using her bow and arrows. Then Malcolm and Luke sparring each other. Malcom using his small daggers and Luke using his sword. I walk up to them quickening my pace. The trio stops and started at me worriedly noticing the urgency in my eyes.

"Guys and Megan I need your help with something." They stare at me waiting for me to continue.

"We can't speak of it here though just follow me." The trio put their weapons away and follow me. We walk through the maze of the campus. We end up in the very back of the school where no one is.

"I feel bad for Scarlett and Will. They don't deserve this. I want your guys help to get them out of here. I have everything we need I just need you guys. So are you in?" They stare at me for a second before Megan speaks up.

"I think I speak for all of us when I saw this. But yes we will help you. Ever since the first day we had them we all felt bad. They never deserved this so let's save them." I nod and smile grateful for them agreeing. I nudge my head to the side a little motioning to them to follow me. We sprint to my room where I tell them the plan.

"Okay this is very simple. Megan you we rush to big boss and tell them that something major happened in the main training room. After you and him rush out I will rush in to get them with Malcolm. Where we will give them the reverse to the mind manipulation thing. Luke when they get inside the training room you and Megan will inject this serum into his neck. But you have to be careful he is very smart and this will be deadly enough to kill him. While that is happening Malcolm and I will get the twins out of here. We then will all meet up at the back. Where we will rush out of this hell hole." They all nod at me to show that they understood the plan. We all get our stuff and rush out of my room and get ready for everything to get into plan.

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