Its time to go

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Martha's P.O.V

I walked down the stairs to find all the girls sitting at the table. "Good moring," I say grabbing a banana and sitting next to Aylin. "You guys should get ready soon." I say as I take a bight of my banana. The girls all look at me. "So where are we going today?" Aylin questioned. "Well Aaron texted me this morning and told me that we are going to Nandos, do you know where that is or do we need a taxi?" I asked. "This won't be a bad first date then." Maddie said while laughing. Satori let out a giggle before saying "Madison go and get ready for this date right now.". We all laughed execpt for Maddie. Shes not an angry person, but once you say her full name her attitude changed.

Maddie left to go get ready. "So tell us, do you think you and Aaron will become anything?" Satori asked me. "Good joke, me and Aaron will probaly be nothing to be honest." I say. "Once Magcon D.C. is over he'll forget who I am." I say

It was silent. Al lyou could hear was Maddies shower and her horrrible singing. "Oh......Well i think imgoing to go get ready now. Come help me pick an outfit out." Aylin said as she draged me to the stairs. Satori was focused on something on her phone. "Hey you coming?" I ask her. "Yeah one sec, my mom is calling me." Satori said,and she went to the back porch.

"This is a mess, what do I wear? Ah I'm oing to look so bad oh my god this is not good." She said all at once falling onto the bed. "Okay go get into the shower and I'll pick out what you're going to wear" I said to her pullin her up off the bed. "I'll help too." Maddie said standing in the door way.

Maddie had on a pair of plain light wash skinny jeans, with a flanel tied around her waist and a white band tee.Her shoes were red vans. Maddies make up was half way done and she was brushin her teeth when she came in. Her hair was curled with a braided head band.

"You can help as soon an you are ready yourself." Aylin said to her while turing on the shower. "Ugh fine be right back." She said walking back twards our room. The outfit Maddie and I came up with was peplum top and plain black leggings. She wore her hair down and straight.

Satori came up to see what we were doing. The time was now 12:10 and we have to meet the boys at 12:30. I turned to look at Satori. "WHY ARE YOU NOT DRESSED?" I screamed at her. "Martha calm down, I'm not feeling good. Why doing you guys go. I'd be the fourth wheel anyways." She said. "You sure?" Aylin asked her. "Yes, im sure".

Weird she was excited about this. Maybe its that Shawn guy. I need to talk to her later. "Okay its time to go" Maddie said pushing us out the door. "By Satori feel better love you!" we all said before shutting the door anf getting in to the car. I texted Aaron to let him know we are on our way and that Its only Going to be three of us.

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