-a few days later after they got dan back- "listen up everyone. I want you all to meet me in the training room, cause I have an announcement to make" Matthew gladly said jumping up and down as he entered the training room. "What's going on? In the middle of lunch? Really?" Logan said taking the last bite of his ham and cheese sandwich before meeting Matthew and the others. "So I have been thinking that we should have a day off to our selves and....." Matthew stopped. "...go fuck off. Gladly" dan continued crossing his arms. Maddie looked at him with disgust. "No.. but I wanted us to go on a camping trip!" Matthew said exited.

"I'm in" Logan and Thomas synchronizingly said. "Oohhh that sounds awesome" Phil said looking at dan fondly. Dan gave an angry frown and looked back at everyone else. "Ya ya sure I'll come" Maddie sarcastically said. "Well I'm not out of my fucking mind so I'm gonna stay here" dan said turning backwards and leaving the room to his.

-dan finally agreed and now they are out in the forest finding a place to stay the night-

"Ugh, these fucking bugs are everywhere" dan swatted away some mosquitos away from his skin. "Don't worry dan, it's just beautiful nature" Phil continued. They kept on walking until Matthew found a place to stay. "Okay, does everyone agree to stay here?" Matthew said, setting down his huge bag with food, clothes, a sleeping bag and a tent. "Yes" everyone said. "Wait, where's Nathan?" Maddie asked setting her bag down. "Nathan's sick so he can't come, remember?" Thomas replied. "Oh ya." Maddie continued. Phil grabbed dans hand and pulled him to the side, were no one could hear them. "What the hell, Phil!" Dan said pulling away his hand from Phil's. "about the hospital thing, did you really mean that?" Phil said looking into dans red eyes.

"What 'hospital thing'?" Dan confusingly said. "You know. When you told me, you loved me" Phil said. "Umm.. no. Obviously not, it was just the helium and the shock, talking. I meant nothing from it. After what you did, how the fuck do you expect me to forgive you" dan took a deep breath in and out. "O-okay. Can we at least be friends?" Phil looked down. "Whatever" dan replied walking back to the others.

Time: 8:30 pm

As everyone was warming their hands over the fire they made, dan was toasting a marshmallow thinking 'why the hell did I get myself here?'. "That's it, I've had enough." Dan said throwing the marshmallow in the fire and standing up, grabbing his sleeping bag, a yet-to-build tent and some food. "Where are you going?" Phil said. "To be by myself. You seriously think I'm gonna spend the night with you all" dan said turning round and making his way to another place. "Wait, dan." Phil followed him.

"Leave me alone" dan said looking straight, ignoring Phil by his side. "Why are you doing this to yourself" Phil asked trying to catch up with dan. "What do you mean?" "I mean that we came here to leave all our troubles behind and just have fun" "well that's bullshit" "well maybe you can try. You need to let g-" "BUT YOU DONT FUCKING KNOW WHAT IVE BEEN THREW. ALL YOU DO IS MAKE ME FEEL LIKE SHIT AND APPARENTLY YOU DONT GIVE A FUCK" dan screamed at Phil. They both stayed silent. "I'm sorry, I-I just-" dan said sitting on the ground. "It's okay. I'm the one who has to be sorry" Phil said sitting down next to dan placing his hand on dans shoulder.

"Can you please just leave me alone now, and go back" dan said shifting so he can go away from Phil's hand. "Umm... problem I forgot where we were" Phil said standing up looking around. "Are you fucking kidding me. Great, now we're lost" dan said face palming. "Do you have your phone on you?" Phil said checking to find his. "Obviously, who doesn't go outside without their phone" dan replied searching for his. "Ugh no service" Phil said rolling his eyes. "Ya dumbass. We're in the middle of a forest, do you honestly think that there's gonna be service here?!" Dan said.

"Ok calm down, let's just.. stay the night here and maybe they'll look for us and we will be on the way home in the morning" Phil panicked to himself. After hours of setting up for the night, dan was in the tent playing candy crush on his phone (#notspon #copyright lol) and Phil was outside the tent trying to make a fire (it's a miracle that he hasn't burnt his hand off yet) "ugh forget the fire, I give up" Phil said dropping the sticks he was using. "I think we need to get some rest" Phil continued stepping into the enormous tent that Dan already packed. "Hold up, you are definitely not going to sleep in my tent" dan said. "Don't you mean our tent. I don't have one" Phil placed his hands on his hips (that don't lie)

"No way, get your own" dan continued looking back at his phone continuing the game. "Fine. Who ever wins this wrestling match gets the tent" Phil announced. "You're on!" Dan said.

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