chapter 6

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"Luize open fire on those runners! Yona take the rest on the front line with me after the arrows stop!" A blond haired girl ordered out leading her team into them swarm near infront of the gas station.
The juggernaut known as the fat man crushing the Preis pressing his arms against the windshield. Slowly he pressed against it. A rustle came in the back seat.
"Where are we? What happened? James said pulling himself up on the passenger seat. He took a look at the man on the hood and scrambled up. "Holly shit! We gotta get out of here!"
"Shut your yap. The calverly is on the offensive." Edward said turning around to look at him. "When I say run, we sprint to the army dead ahead. If you don't like it then tough toenails bub."

James looked at him and felt something warm run down his forehead. He wiped to find himself bleeding. "Who died and made you boss? Last time I checked I was leader."
"You are no leader!" Edward snapped. "You nearly died! If it weren't for me you'd be dead right now!"
James shut up. It went completely quiet except for the windshield cracking and the banging.
Luize and her archers let the arrows fly. All of them hit their target and made eleven fall. The infected didn't notice the flank. After all the arrows ran out the close range unit stormed in full force.
Finally the horde noticed the kids. Lots charged full on at them. Others stayed beating at the cars.
"Run!" Edward yelled launching the door open. The grownups were forced back stunned at what just happened. Him, James, and Henry saw the mass pushing forward towards the kids and ran the opposite direction almost completely clear.
The juggernaut flattened the windshield completly. A smell of burning flesh came pouring into the air. The car had cought fire. Next the smell of gas and the kids got a wif and retreated.
Boom! The car exploded causing the lead car to blow as well. This made Thomas and Brandon make a break for it as well. As they made it away their car went off.
"That should be all the cars, lets go!" Barked the blond girl. Her voice raspy like nails.
The grownups became very confused and over the loss of their leader. This made them very angry at the same time.
They both charged on a full scale assault. The grownups however were out matched and lost many to the cars and arrows.
"Eris watch out!" Yona Screamed at the leader.
Eris ducked and swung her nailed bat into the side of a father. Tearing through him she advanced forward with her troops in a raging fury to clear out this part of Nitro.

Author: I hope you enjoy it so far. I hope to make this a great series for everyone to enjoy.

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