chapter 9

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Jack is swinging his machete left left and right. Swatting them down like flys. A runner came from the side taking him to the ground. Daniel saved his hide by punting the attackers head like a football.
"Marcy, your right!" A boy barked.
In an instant it looks like shes playing softball with him. More came pouring in from all sides in the direct assault. They were forced back by a group juggernauts. These worst than the last.
"Fall back, let the archers go back to work." Marcy orded skipping backwards. It never felt right to turn a back in enemy's. Not even if its only one.
Some leaked in from back behind houses. All a bunch of walkers. Jack and Dan are fighting behind the newcomers. Their cloths drenched made it a little heavier to run. Feet aching already. Muscles throbbing. They won't hold out for much longer.
Come on. You can do it. They Dont stand a chance. Theres nothing you can do for them. Put them down. "Ill put you all to rest." Daniel said under his breath and went to help hold on the onslaught with Eris again.
The next ally over has a lot of walkers mixed with leaders. Hailey is taking the fight up close and personal.
She's not letting them pass. Neither is Jacob and the others. A huge mother came charging down the street. It's going to get bloody.
She is letting a war cry sprinting full speed. Hailey is in a killing frenzy kicking and punching with her bladed knuckles. Her eyes are lifeless. Dull as the infected. Soaked from head to toe in their essence.
The huge runner swung at her and Jacob cracked his bat at her. It didn't faze her at all nor noticed. Hailey skips back elegantly dodging ever attack. She saw an opportunity to strike. Took knuckles against the jaw line shattering her teeth. A critical hit made the woman furious. Her dirty long arms going every which direction. Hailey grew tired of it and snapped an arm making her scream in pain. The sad thing is she keeps on the assault.
"Your dead meat." Swept her feet and caved in the face. It was over.
Jacob was facing a fat one pointlessly hitting him with the bat. The man had had enough. Put his arms up and tried to run him over.
Hailey Charged forward spearing Jacob into the lawn. "I got your back." Pulled a knife from her boot and charged forward.
The man became confused at his new opponent. Stood their for a second. Looked at her. Then the boy. His brothers and sisters being countlessly being massacred. This made him furious and charge out towards her. Must have revenge. The man thought.
Hailey ran around him and jumped on his back. Sweaty and greasy she held on. Her little blades slightly digging into his fat rolls. Jabbing the blade in the back of his neck he fell without a sound.
The horde stopped and began to retreat for some random reason. Gun shots started. Turning around some kids had hold of handguns and rifles. In the center a nerd called Calvin was orchestrating the gunners. How the hell did he and his team get from sixth avenue to the pawnshop and back.
The slower ones were gunned like the ones who stayed. Soon the streets were clear littered with the fallen.

World of Decay: Escape Artists (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now