Chapter 40

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Eris came up the hill with Yona at her side. They were in the middle of training when James told them he saw smoke from the hill. She had assembled two archers and two melee kids.
Eris stopped in front of a little boy hypnotized by the fire. "What happened here?" She asked the boy.
"A fight broke out with Lacrisha, Ash, and Nyla. Lacrisha went mad and killed Ash after she was shot twice. Nyla finished her off and broke down. That's all I know." He said still hypnotized looking at the dieing fire.
Krista had seen them coming and told Nyla theres company. The two of them came out together. Nyla pale as a ghost with a blanket wrapped around her. A police belt seemed loosely hung around her waist, but it wasn't. In the holster is the gun she had shot Lacrisha with.  "Yea?"
"We saw the fire smoke and thought you needed something." Eris said taking a look around.
"No. We are just burning my friends sadly. Never can get a break can we?" She replied, looking in the fire to see if they were still there. Nope
Yona stepped up. "Do you want me to stay here boss? Just until Nyla can support herself again?"
Eris looked at Krista who was looking at her shoes. "No. I'm sure they can manage. Krista can look after the place. Positive she's capable." And Yona nodded.
"Thank you for checking on us. You all can go now." As Nyla said it Marcy came up the driveway in a Toyota Camry
"Whats this about? Someone invited us to a bonfire? I was out hunting with my boys when I spotted you." Marcy said, with the window all the way down.
"No, they are just burning a couple of fallen friends." Yona said in a weird way.
"I'm sorry to hear that, Nyla. Really am. Look on the bright side of things. Your commander of your on army now."
"Thank you for the sympathy Marcy, but you can go back to hunting now." Nyla said shivering a little.
"We finished that before we came anyways. I guess I will see you all later then."
Everyone soon went back to their own base. Krista hopped back on the roof while it was still light out.
Nyla currled up with Chrissy on a bed unable to cope with anything. Chrissy held her tight comforting her like a mother again. Nyla started again and she told her to calm down. Everything will be ok tomorrow is a new day.
It seemes to work a little. Every time Nyla closed her eyes she pictured Ash laying up against the wall. No matter how much she wanted to change it the image was embedded in her eyelids.
Chrissy began to sing a tune. It was Green Days' Good Riddance. They loved that song so much. It is really Nylas favorite as well. Chrissy knows all the lyrics and sung them softly. Her voice echoed throughout the building. Finally, Nyla fell asleep.

World of Decay: Escape Artists (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now