Me (The Beginning)

41 9 0

1st of Oct.

Dear You,

You may wonder why I've started writing things about you. Its because my doctor advised me to 'record' anything that will come to my mind. I was bored to death in my room just looking at the tv or reading all day.

You see, I've been in a car accident lately and I'm badly hit. The damage is mostly in my lower part which is from my thigh down. He said that this may be temporary or who knows, depends on my physical rehab.

Back to my accident, I wasn't at fault. It's not me but the drunk driver driving a big truck full of scrap metal. As I remember, that night I was driving for an errand from Sister Aimee to fetch the used clothes that will be used in our orphanage.

Yes, I am living in an orphanage called The Hope House which was run by Catholic nuns. I was brought here when I was a 6 months old baby with no identification whatsoever aside from a note saying: This baby was born on February 22 and I called her Rae. I'm very sorry but I can't keep her. Please forgive me and I hope that I will be forgiven by God for what I've done.

They said that I was found inside the confession box in the nearby church where I was crying due to hunger and cold. The nuns took care of me and from then on I've lived with them. Once I'm 18 I'll be out of HH for me to venture into the world which is months away from now.

You may ask why I'm still at the orphanage? My answer would be because no one has adopted me. Some couples had an interest in me but it wanned after the next visit. They will choose another child but not me. Anyway, I'm happy if they choose me or not, the ending would be someone will have a family that will adopt them.

That night, I was to drive to House of Angels in Oakley which is two towns away from here. At an intersection, I stopped at a red light and was waiting for it to go green. I was about to go left so when I saw that the light has changed, I start the car and the next thing I knew a heart-piercing scream left my mouth and the sound of smashed metal to metal echoed the night.

The next time I remember, I was upside down inside my car and through my ringing ears a faint sound of sirens was approaching the scene then I welcome the darkness.

You may ask why did I drove there late at night and not in the morning. My answer to you would be its because in the morning and half of the afternoon I am at school, then to my job. After my shift ended which is at 6 in the evening, I will be back at HH to help the chores but that night I drove directly to Oakley for my errand.

The accident rendered me in a coma for three days and after that when I woke up, I didn't feel anything in my legs and heard from Sister Aimee that the drunk driver was in jail.

The doctor checked my condition and he said it's a temporary paralysis of a sort. I'm just thankful that I'm alive and will continue my life here on earth with the people I love - that's the people in HH and also you!


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