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Hello be a simple word,
Is spoken like the wind.

Goodbye be a harsh word,
Poking your eye like a needle pin.

Bonjour you faintly sing,
A dance those French ring.

Au revoir faintly pricks,
Makes your chilled skin sting.

Ciao is radiant and bright,
A lullaby through the night.

Addio is a wicked salute,
Feeding off your light.

Hola takes much cheer,
As simple as a year.

Adios takes willpower,
Igniting all my fear.

Dia dhuit has kind thoughts,
A finds me when I'm lost.

Slán has an ending gone wrong,
It keeps me in the frost.

A beginning and end,
Blaze of light till it bends.


No longer able to continue,
Not something that works for me.
These praises few may drown me,
Are falsely given here.

Some may not notice,
Others will move on.
Missed I'll be not,
When I finally pack my lot.

But hello is way too easy,
Goodbye is a cursed downfall.
Yet sometimes a sorrowful ending,
Is the beginning of it all.

The languages I used are; English, French, Italian, Spanish and Irish. If you know any of these languages and they seem wrong, blame Google Translate not me! (Mostly for Irish.)

Many of you (or few of you) may be suspicious about this poem, and I can't really tell you much about it. Let's just say it's a confusing time for me right now.


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