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You looked at the sky in midnight looking at the stars 'Where are you?' you said in your thoughts it have been years since you saw your closet friend. "Y/n! Get over here!" yelled a white female wolf myumon. "Fine." You said getting your guitar "You gotta pay attention practicing or else we'll lose from those boys called shingancrimsonZ." A black female jaguar myumon said getting her drums sticks. "I'm sure there not that bad." A red female fox myumon said getting her bass. "Pfft whatever sunrise there not bad but there weird." The white female wolf said getting ready for her guitar "Hey at least I have heart Dove." Sunrise said straighten up (Yup I'm in the story and also a fox! XD) you roll your eyes 'just like always we always get in arguments' "Guys stop fighting No one cares about your fight." The black female jaguar said feeling bored "SHUT UP PRIDE!" sunrise and dove said soon the three started arguing. You sigh and looked at the dark sky again taking you back memories.


You were looking down saying "Do you have to go..." "Yeah." Aion said with his holy ark behind his back. "In that case." You said getting a necklaces that have silver looking little guitar "Here." You said giving it to him "To remember are times when we were friends." He smiled and said "Thanks and I also got something for you too." Getting a long box and handing it to you "But you should open it when I leave." Soon both of you heard a train noise "I have to go." Said aion getting to the train. As you saw him leave you open the box and saw an f/c (Favorite color) guitar that had a note saying "Maybe someday the music would make us meet again" you smile hugging the guitar. Soon you heard the engine moving you ran after the train "AION!" you yelled aion open the window to see you "GOOD LUCK!" you said waving goodbye.

*Flashback end*

Even though that was a few years ago it still gets to you. "Hey..." a soft voice said you turn around seeing the three myumon standing "let's get practicing for the big day." Sunrise said handing over your guitar. You took your guitar and smile this was one of the reason that you like your band.

*Meanwhile with Aion*

Walking in the dark streets have nothing to do but for some reason memories started appearing. Aion sigh smoothing his hair down looking at the sky seeing the stars he pull out something which was the necklaces that you gave him he close his eyes thinking in his thoughts.

*Meanwhile with you*

"Well we'll practice this morning so everyone get a good rest." Dove said stopped playing her guitar all of you nodded "Soon we'll nail them with hammers." Pride said closing a fist sunrise shook her head "Pride song first then you can hammer them." Pride frown and got up saying "I'm going to do my taxes." And left. "Now excuse me I have to go work on the lyrics were going to sing next time." Dove said and left. "Well I'm going to go Tonkatsu Ramen." (Sorry I'm addicted to ramen) Sunrise said and was about to leave but soon turn around saying "Your welcome to join." You shook your head "No thanks I have to do something important." She nodded and left. You sigh and left the room arriving to your apartment. You open your window seeing the stars you looked at your guitar you smile and looked back at the stars soon started singing an old song.

Y/n: The bruise and scars

That feel pain

Doesn't feel a thing

Because I will

Have life depending on me

You looked at your guitar and soon started playing the song hoping that you can hear aion voice singing the other part. Meanwhile with him he was also singing the song.

Aion: The dark rose

Lurking in shadows

Hiding in the midnight gleam

I won't be afraid of the

Light passing by...

You continue playing the guitar, looking at stars, you smile and played the song with all your heart.

Y/n: But I'm scarce of being lonely

You and aion both looked at the sky and started to sing softly.

Y/n and aion: So please be by mine side

The feelings I feel

Inside of me

Cannot be cured

But I always be will with you

Even if were far apart from us now

So now I will


Believe in you

You stopped playing looking up the sky filled with the stars hoping that you would see him again. 

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