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You quietly play your guitar in your apartment "This isn't working." you said ripping another piece of paper "I just need a break that's all..." you said to yourself. Your stomach growl "Guess it's dinner time." you went to the kitchen to make homemade ramen noodles. 

 Sunrise P.O.V 

"I'm here." I said walking to a book store "Took you long enough." dove said putting away some new books "Man I totally forgot that you work here." I said "Yeah, whatever." dove said soon another person came out of the door it was pride. "This better be important dove I have to cut out my schedule to be here." pride said I sigh "Same here pride I have to work extra in the model shop tomorrow." "Okay forget about that I need to tell you something important." dove said "But y/n isn't here." I said "It is about her." dove said holding an old newspaper "A son and a daughter got kick out from two families, Both were about to perfection people until they wanted to make music for there lives so far no one knows where they are right now." I said reading the newspaper. Me and pride looked at dove confused she sigh pointing at the picture "Wait you're telling me that Y/n is the daughter." I said she nodded I looked at the picture from today and the other one was a son from a different family. "Have y/n ever told us about her past?" I asked wondering the son does look families. "Of course she did!" pride said, "We all had to tell what was are past dove was clearly live in a orphanage, sunrise was taught to be christian and raise by dairy farmers (True!! which is why crow is like a brother to me ^-^), I was clearly been betrayed from everyone in my past, Y/n... all she said that she was kick out from her family and wanted to find a friend." I looked at the boy picture again 'A friend.'  I said in my thoughts. "Where did you found this?" I said holding the newspaper "Let's say I never put newspaper away." dove said "But that's not the point Y/n could be holding secrets that we don't know." "And why do you think that?" pride asked "She been with us, which made black scarlet better then ever, why would she keep secrets from us?" I asked "Haven't you girls seen it? she been secretly hiding her secrets I can feel it." dove said I roll my eyes all I can feel is she not understanding. "Maybe it's too early to discover things right now." I said looking down I'm sure y/n would have a good reason to keep secrets from us. "Sunrise right," pride said "were not sure she's hiding secret it takes time." dove sigh "Fine! but if things get a little too suspicious I think it's best to bring the big guns." she said soon paying attention to her work "You better get going I have to close the shop." I nodded as soon I left that place I did a sigh of relief I am certain that they wouldn't find my secrets but what about Y/n? I should probably find out if she does have secrets. I went to take a walk thinking.    

Your P.O.V 

You made the ingredients you sigh there were sometimes a dull moment "I wish something would happen right now." you said being bored you looked at your phone and back to the food. You open the window door seeing the stars. You smile and started singing a bit. 

Aion P.O.V 

I looked at the stars wondering if our bands will ever get along clearly as a god I should probably know everything well I can't figure anything for this. I soon probably know everything well I can't figure anything for this.  I soon decide to walk somewhere quiet to concentrate I walked for a while until heard a voice "The feelings I feel can not be cured." was it Y/n? cause I know were the only two who know the lyrics since we did made that song. 

*Flash back* 

I continue playing my holy ark "It's really nice hearing your music." y/n said smiling at me I smile back saying "Thanks it helps me relax when I have so much work to do." "Wow... You're lucky to have a guitar I have to study to become a lawyer." she said sighing I nodded all I wanted to do is make music instead of doing what my parents want me to do. I looked at Y/n she been the person who understand what I gone through we been friends ever since we were little. "Hey at least we get to spend time together." I said she looked down saying "Yeah..." I could tell something was wrong I decided to cheer her up I asked her "Do you know how to make lyrics?" she title her head "Huh?" 

*Flash back end* 

I shook my head trying to concentrate what's happening right now I looked up in the building "This is weirdest thing I did yet." I said seeing a pole I'm hoping to climb to y/n apartment well I have to admit I haven't climb for a long time so I'm sure I'll succeed. I started climbing for a  while but then I realized I don't know where y/n apartment was. I smack my head I must be an idiot or something. I tried to get down but all of a sudden one of my foot got stuck one some vines? I sigh these people really need to focus what's growing on the building I got one of my hands to tried to remove it but it was a little tricky to keep on balance "Come on..." I said trying to pull out of it. Soon I couldn't take it i use both of my hands to remove but I had two bad problems one my foot wouldn't remove and two I lost balance of climbing. I soon started falling I pray to be safe lucky my pray was granted since the vines were still stuck on my foot. I was hanging upside down and most embarrassing Y/n was right in front of me I guess I was in the right apartment. "H-hi." I said crap! I stutter how was I suppose to talk to her if she was blushing so cute.    

Your P.O.V 

"Are you okay?" you ask blushing since not everyday you see a godly man hanging upside down. "Not really." Aion said trying to have his hand hiding his face "Hang on." you said getting a knife he did a gulp "Relax I'm just going to cut whatever making you upside down." you said seeing a vine you cut it making him fall down. "Ouch." he said rubbing his head "So what happen?" you ask "The dark sun god was wanted to see a special person but end up getting stuck soon started dying but lucky end up arriving." aion explain you thought for a moment "So you were going to visit me but end up getting stuck from the vines soon falling but lucky arriving in my place." you said translating his god language. (It takes practice to understand his language) Aion looked at you shock a little bit "How did you know?" he asked you smile while saying "I have my talents." you help him get up. "Why do you want to visit me?" you ask aion "I wanna talk about... are bands." he said as he sat in the couch "What's wrong about that." you ask sitting next to him "The dark sun god realize that the relationship of bands have same but fight along the path so what's the reason of this." he said looking down "So you're telling me that our band have things in common but couldn't get along and you're wondering there fighting instead of getting along." you said he nodded "If there's only a way to tell when they would get along." he said "It takes time aion but will figure something am I right?" you said having a hand in his shoulder to comfort him while you look at him. Aion have a tint of blush in his face but he hid mysteriously "Are you free?" you looked at him "Free for what?" you ask he looked at the other direction "A date." 

Sunrise P.O.V 

"Come on pick up..." I said in the phone waiting "Hey this is me leave a message hence." The phone said I sigh "It's me sunrise I just wanna know if you're ready for a answer."  

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