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(Oh I almost forget my sister birthday is on the 10! while kai and riku birthday is on the 9! so happy birthday kai and riku!) ^-^  

"Pride where are we going?" dove asked walking next to her "I think were lost." sunrise said holding her freak out. "Well, it's best if we turn around." you said looking around pride stopped her tracks saying "Don't complain black scarlet! How am I suppose to know where am I going? all were going to do is go to yokai street sing are performance 'Our god' and will be home before you know it so deal with it." you and dove nodded "No!" sunrise yelled "What's wrong." you ask "M-My," she whimper holding something close "My Phone is Dead!" she showed it to you seeing it died. Pride and dove sweat drop "Seriously?" you sigh taking out your phone handing it to her. She smile but you interrupt it saying "Just don't read my private text messages." "Um hello rule number 9 not to read each other private text messages." dove said holding out a scroll "Do you always bring scrolls with you?" you asked she nodded "Only the ones that might be use for the day." "Found yokai street!" sunrise yelled handing the phone back to you pointing to the left direction "1 mile over there and were there." sunrise said "Great..." dove said walking there "And if I did my caution wrong then it should be a half mile then a half to the right if were going to a cliff of are ending death." sunrise said walking to the direction. Pride catch up with them you looked at your phone for a while "Hey Y/n you're going to be left behind." sunrise yelled "Coming." you said as you went with them. 

*Time skip* 

"Wow.. would you look at this." you said snapping pictures of the stage. "No time to take photos." dove said to you. You looked at the other direction gasping seeing the ShinganCrimsonz "Well, looks like we have company." pride said sunrise went to whispering to you "I think it's best to go to are station." you nodded "Right." you and sunrise were about to tell the rest of the member but you and sunrise see pride arguing with one of the ShinganCrimsonz member a leopard myumon while the other hanging on to him so he wouldn't lose control same thing with dove but she's losing control "A little help here." dove said sunrise went to help "Why aren't you helping?" a hedgehog myumon ask aion "A divine evil god whisper to my ear "You mustn't help"." aion said having his hand in his face "Rom! you wouldn't hit a women would you? hence." ask a fox myumon "I would if there annoying!" yelled rom "Oh you don't want to mess with this myumon." pride said trying getting control. "Man this really sucks." sunrise said you and aion just stood there seeing the argument you both weren't talking to each other if you did then it would get the two band members suspicious. Soon an announcement say "Please Black scarlet to the stage." pride groan saying "This isn't over!" pride went walking "Let's go." you gave aion a small bye and went with them. 

Aion P.O.V      

This is embarrassing seeing my other band mates fighting from women. "Man women." crow said "Are all girls like this hence." yaiba asked "Not exactly." I said having my thoughts on Y/n. Soon the performance started.

Y/n: We won't be afraid of anything 

because god is by our side 

We won't be afraid 

We'll keep praying 

every night to keep 

our god alive 

Pride: our god is the protector of us 

so don't mess with him 

Y/n: So now I know 


he will be protecting 

risking his life for us 

In return 

I will beleive in him 

Sunrise: And so do you 

Y/n: our god is the reason 

why were hear 

to tell you 

who has the 

power of everything 

Pride: so now you know

that our god is powerful 

sunrise: One more time

Pride: He have the source 

sunrise: How can that be possible? 

Dove: Jesus was the savoir to keep our god 

sunrise: Alive!!! 

Pride, dove, sunrise, and y/n: so we have faith in him 

of what we believe

so I won't be afraid 

of the shadows lurking by 

cause our is here

Y/n: don't stop believe in him 

cause that's our god! 

I was impress what they sing "Come on guys let's go do are performance." Rom said as the two other band mates follow him. Then I started to wonder the two bands are quite that same I just hoe we can get along soon. 

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