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(Lemon will required so I want innocent readers to read this too so I'll let you know when lemon is coming up this is my first lemon so I hope you like it sorry if it's not too sexy but I did my best! XD)   

You open your eyes seeing that you were in your bead 'how did I get here'  you asked in your thoughts as you got up to the kitchen seeing yaiba, sunrise, and aion. "Um... how did you guys get here?" "From the door." sunrise said "Oh and someone took the window hence." yaiba said nudging Aion. You looked at him seeing him blushing while looking in a different direction. "Okay... but why are you guys are doing here?" you asked them sunrise and yaiba both looked at Aion and then you. "Oh nothing to asked her." sunrise said pushing aion in front of you "Well be in the living room if you need us." as yaiba and sunrise went to the living room leaving you and aion alone "So I guess you have something to say." you said looking at him. Aion blushed looking down saying "Um I was thinking... we could hang out today without any interruptions or excuses just the two of us." you smile at him and nodded "I love that so when should we hang out?" you asked all of a sudden you saw aion holding your hand "Now." 

"So where you two going hangout?" sunrise asked you sigh yaiba and sunrise just wouldn't give up. "You think they'll be okay hence." yaiba asked while seeing you both leave. Sunrise shrugged "I don't maybe it depends aion plan went well."  "Should we hence help him?" asked yaiba sunrise thought for a moment and said "Nah the dark sun god got it cover." 

"So you got any idea's." you asked aion since last time he didn't. Aion chuckle "Oh I have plenty..." Aion went to a cart you were wondering what he's doing. Aion came back "(Favorite ice) cream since we were kids." Aion said handing you your favorite ice cream. "Aww... you remember." you said smiling accepting the ice cream "So where we'll be going?" you asked "Were going yokai street." aion said he was thinking you were scare of there so he can be brave but unfortunately he was wrong. "Why are you shaky?" you ask him seeing him so nervous "Oh um it's nothing..." Aion said looking away the front gate you giggle seeing him trying to be brave is... cute. "You don't need to be afraid of anything cause." as you hold aion hand "I'll be by your side." Aion looked at you and back to your hand "You know of everything about you your smile is is my most favorite." he said looking at your e/c eyes lock on his you feel your cheeks heating up you looked away saying "Um thanks now should we continue?" well you admit it wasn't that bad instead of aion scare of almost everything. "Name the most prettiest thing that you see." you said to aion. "Name your first." aion said to you "Hmm... let me see oh I got it! the guitar you gave me it was nice of you to give me one," you said looking at him with a smile. "Now it's your turn." Aion thought for a long time but finally say "A girl that I've been crushing on for a while." he said for some reason you felt like your heart been stab many times. Aion continue. 

"She been the nicest person I've met takes away my worries away, No matter what happens she always have a smile on, I remember how she first sing the room reflected her beauty while she sings like an angel. Her eyes are beautiful as stars shining in the night sky. I can't stop thinking about her I always think of her everyday and every night. If someone take her away from me I would be heart broken."    

You were in shock who ever knew Aion say his true feelings about this girl. It felt like you have sadness inside but you tried to ignore it. "We should get going after all don't want to get lost in the darken clouds." Aion said like nothing happen you were wondering why did you feel so sad that aion love someone else shouldn't you be proud of him? You shook your head maybe ignoring these feelings is the only thing you can do for now. You and aion didn't talk that much after what he said. All of a sudden it began to rain "Aw man... I forgot to bring an umbrella." you said in disappointment feeling drops of rain on your hair but then it stopped you looked up seeing aion with an umbrella "You can borrow mine." he said doing his posing. "Thanks aion but what about you?" you asked aion chuckles "I used to the rain so no thanks." you nodded an took the offering. You and aion were almost arriving to your apartment "Hey Aion I think were almost the-" you stopped blushing at aion seeing him all wet making him attractive you shook your head getting rid of the thoughts of him. "Hey umm Y/n?" Aion asked you answered 


"Do you um... like a guy?" 

"umm I think so... anyway it's not like he would ever love me since I'm boring." 

All of a sudden Aion just pin to a wall making you in a deep blush. Aion lean closer to your face saying. 

"When I'm with you your never boring." 

You were about to say something but you felt a pair of lips crashing into yours. You were wide open seeing Aion kissing you although you were to shock to kiss him back. You can feel him hesitating so you finally have the guts to kiss him. He smirked and continue to kiss you. You and aion separated the kiss having a string of saliva connect both of your tongues. You blushed deep red looking down until you felt your chin going up looking at aion. 

"Do you love me Y/n?" 


He smile taking your hand and started walking. 

"What are you doing?" you asked aion he smile saying. 

"A dark sun god wants to show his true love how much he love her."

(Okay! lemon Time innocent readers you can skip this while other readers you can continue)    

*Time skip* 

"When do you think they'll be back hence?" yaiba asked sunrise shrugged until they heard a click "What was that?" sunrise asked "Let me check hence." yaiba said going to the window door trying to open but it was lock "Guess were lock outside hence." sunrise was confuse "How?" 

Aion carry you in bridal style to your bedroom making lie in your bed while aion locks the door. "You ready?" aion asked you nodded "I'm virgin so please be gentle." aion chuckle removing his coat and gloves being shirtless you blushed looking at the other way. You felt aion be close to you whispering to your ear "I'm virgin too so were going have trust each other my love." Aion started by kissing you while one of his free hand unbutton your shirt one by one removing your shirt. You tried to cover your breast but aion smile saying "Your beautiful Y/n no hide your body." you nodded having both of your arms around aion neck he smirked as he kiss and suck your neck while squeezing on of your breast. You moan making him want you more he remove your bra and pants. He began to nibble your breast and some times sucking it. You moan for his name "Aion... I want you." as you stroke his hair while feeling wet, Aion started to lick your breast. You lie your back in the bed while Aion was on top of you he remove his pants and boxers being completely naked. 

"Love what you see?" he asked you blushed nodding he smirked as he remove your under wear seeing you fully naked. He continue to kiss you leaving marks on your back making you moan letting aion in so your tongues was swirling around aion separated the kiss swallowing the saliva. "Don't you taste delicious." aion said licking your lips. You smiling saying "Well aren't you a sexy kitty." he chuckle "Aren't you a beauty my love." he got his member close to your women hood "Are you ready? It might hurt a lot but the pain will go away." you gave him a quick peck in the lips "Do it aion." he nodded as he slowly and gentle thrusting into you. You tried to not yelled but it hurt so much that tears started streaming in your eyes. Aion tried to relax you by whispering soft things to you while wiping your tears away. You finally started to relax saying "You can move now." he smiled and kiss you while he move little by little you moan during the kisses you had your hands in aion back as he thrust faster and faster you started leaving marks on his back making him moan. "Ahha... Aion... Don't stop..." you continuing moaning his name as aion pumped into you. Aion panted from showing how much he loves you was really sexy. He started leaving hickeys in your neck. "Aion I feel like I'm going to cum." you said "Same here Y/n love same here."  Aion said kissing your breast while squeezing over you two. Just like that you had juices spread over you two. Aion was complete worn out using his last energy to make out with you. He remove from you making you moan for last time of the night. You both star at each other panting "Y/n... I forgot to ask you... will you be my goddess?" (You should never forget that aion acts like a god) you rub against his chest "Of course even after all these years." aion smirked pulling a blanket to cover you , as you both were drift to sleep. 


"Hey... anybody can help us?" sunrise asked trying to see anyone on the other side of the door. "What was with all the moaning hence." yaiba asked "I don't know sex maybe." sunrise said trying to open the door "Should I do it sometimes with a girl hence?" yaiba asked sunrise blushed waving around "Don't look at me I'm just a fujoshi!"  

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