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"Last game rivals." sunrise said having her pin "It's a two out of two we gotta win this." Dove said ready in action. "You better not mess this up y/n!" dove yelled at you. You sigh you didn't sign up for this 'Gotta hurry or else Aion will be left behind' you said in your thoughts "Let's go!" Pride yelled throwing the ball in the air (You and black scarlet are playing ping pong) "I can't miss this!" dove yelled hitting the ball way up in the air. "Sunrise! Give me a boost." pride said "Right." replied sunrise getting down as pride got up on her and jumped. Pride hit the ball dove miss the ball as the ping pong table broke in half the ball landed in your side. Jumping forward you. You hit it making it landed on the other side "There the battle is over..." you said looking at the mess the three black scarlet made. "Aww man I thought we were going to win today." sunrise said being disappointed "I guess it's a tie again.." pride said "So who's going pay for this mess?" dove ask "Sunrise and dove." You and pride said at the same time. "Yeah, you're right they hit the last ball so fair and square." sunrise said getting her money out. "Well, gotta go." you said about getting out of there as fast as you could. "That's the third time she was in a rush." dove said "I'm sure she have a good reason right sunrise." Pride said but soon she realized that sunrise was gone. Dove pick up some money "Well at least she paid." dove said. 

You were walking until you heard a voice "HEY!" you turn around seeing sunrise coming to you. "Now what do you want sunrise?" you asked sunrise. "What's going on with you? you been such a hurry the other black scarlet are getting curious." she said "Nothing wrong with me. I'm fine." you said sunrise gave you a look you have your arms surrender. She gasp saying "We have to hide." sunrise grab your wrist going near a wall "Why are we hiding?" you asked "It's one of the shinganCrimsonZ." sunrise said 'Please someone else then Aion' you begged in your thoughts. You turn to see who it was, it was aion looking around "It's that lion myumon that you bump a few days ago." Sunrise said "Great thanks for reminding me." you said rolling your eyes trying to not make her curious. "Right now isn't the time to make jokes Y/n right now there's a enemy here." she said cracking her knuckles "Do we have to fight aion?" you asked "Don't you remember about dove's rules? were not suppose to let are guard down... wait! how do you know his name is Aion?" she asked waiting for your answer. You panic 'What should I do? I can't let them know about my secret oh... I wish we didn't even have a battle with the ShinganCrimsonZ in the first place so dove wouldn't make those rules but that means I'll never meet Aion in are battle I waited so long to meet him ever since that day happen'   

*Flash back* 

"Please! I have to do this!" you said arguing with your parents "Why in tar nation you want to make music for the rest of your life?" your mother said "It just nothing but foolishness do you really want to give up on your dream to become a lawyer but instead want to make music?" ask your father "It wasn't dream it was you two trying to force me to do that," you said to your parents.  

"Look ever since aion gave me a guitar I've been understanding everyday why music was so important to him and I respect that, I don't know where he is right now but I'm sure he's happy of what he's doing it's right for him, I'm glad I met him if it wasn't for him I would be still study to be a lawyer and not being happy, Making music is what I want to do with my life so if you have a problem with that it's not my fault cause this my choice not yours so deal with it!" you said.  

Your parents were now furious "Well, aion is gone doing his whatever he's doing you're still here so what are you going to do?" your mother said "We're still making you a lawyer if you're going to continue this nonsense there shouldn't anything here so you can leave or be perfect." your father said being mad at you "Then I guess I'll leave." you said getting your and went to the door. You turn around looking at your parents saying "Oh by the way... I was never perfect." As you open the door leaving. 

You continue traveling to make music until you heard music. You stopped seeing a band playing "Thanks so much for being here fans were black scarlet." The guitarist said "Don't forget one of you fans will be are new band mate." the bassist said "The tryouts starts." The drummer said playing her drums "Right now!" Myumons cheered you smile maybe making music in the solo is just to alone maybe you can join a band. You participated in the band singing 'Our god' (Original) you soon found shocking news that your the new the new band member of black scarlet. "Let us introduce ourselves," the guitarist said "I'm dove." "I'm sunrise." the bassist said "And I'm Pride." the drummer said "So what's your name?" dove asked you smile answering 

"I'm Y/n." 

*Flash back end* 

You realize sunrise was waiting for the answer "Umm... posters." you said sunrise looked at you if you weren't lying. You were doing a innocent smile she was about to say something but her phone ring "Gotta go," she said after calling the phone "I have to meet with someone." she wave bye. You wave back after she left you did a big relief "That was close..." you said soon hearing a voice "Took long enough?" you turn around seeing aion you smile saying "You have no idea."      

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