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Aion P.O.V 

"I mean I never seen Y/n have so much fun with leo but not me seriously this is getting suspicious." I said walking in circles. I was in a model shop where yaiba and sunrise were working. "There just friends what's the big deal hence?" yaiba asked "The big deal is Y/n might spend time with other guy friends instead of spending time with me." I answered "And how do you know Y/n having fun with leo were you stalking them?" sunrise ask putting accessorize on the shelf. I thought for a moment "Well..." 

*flash back* 

I was in a black cloak hiding behind a wall looking at y/n and leo there talking and laughing. so far nothing happen yet. I've been spying on them for a while no feelings. I saw Y/n smile and laughing I frown how come I can't do that? leo must have mysterious powers or something and this god can feel it. I feel my hair bangs stringing up but I neat it again. I sigh seeing Y/n being happy from someone else doesn't make me happy because I wanted to be the one who makes her smile.   

*End flash back* 

"So you were spying on them!" sunrise said "I wouldn't prefer stalking more like taking an eye of her." I said leaning against the wall "Looks like someone jealous hence." yaiba said sunrise nodded "I'm not sure you realize it but I think your falling in love with her." I stay silence why now? I could have fallen in love ages ago maybe I didn't realize it. "And if your going to try to win her heart maybe get something she like instead of being cool all the time." sunrise said "Your right sunrise." I said sunrise smile saying "Yeah I get that a lot." "Really? hence I never hear that at all never." yaiba said to sunrise she frown "You weren't there." I sigh I had enough argument for today "Can I borrow some money." I said they look at each other then to me "For what?"   

*Time skip* 

"Y/n you in here." I asked opening the window door so far it's kind of dark in here. I put the gift in the table I wonder where she was I looked at the living room. Y/n was there leaning her head on the table with a bunch of lyrics paper. Look like she was practicing I came to her seeing her asleep. I look around what she did, looks like she was worn out. "You always have to work hard don't you." I say I sigh she can't sleep like this I won't accept it. I hold y/n in bridal style and took her to her room. I lay her in her bed I couldn't help but look at her she was sleeping peacefully. I sat next to her, "Do you remember? when I left you to go to midi city. You must have been finding me all these years I never looked for you cause I was so focus on my music I sometimes forget. But every night sky that shimmers I always think of you every night." I said  looking at her well I had to admit she was so cute sleeping. "Sweet dreams." I say kissing her forehead. I left the room closing the door. 

"Now that was adorable!" 

I saw sunrise and yaiba with there cameras "I will never forget this moment." sunrise said looking at the camera. I smile "Who's stalking now?"     

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