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You woke up all by yourself wait where's aion? you look around "Aion?" you called out no response you got up wondering where he is, aion would never leave you to continue the path your phone ring you answer it "Hello?" "Hey y/n how you doing? anyway the rest of us got separated into three member for my group it's me, pride, and fox dude. Were trying to check what's over those piles of big rocks." dove said in the phone you heard another call "Yeah I'm with crow and rom were walking to who knows where were just following a stranger even rom have to turn some type of business man well I got admit rom is pretty cute with glasses on." (If you ever read my profile I like guys with glasses) sunrise said you sigh "You think any boy with glasses are cute I'll be looking for help to bye." as you ended the call "Hey." you jumped seeing that it was only aion you sigh of relief hugging him while asking "Where did you go Aion?" he answered "I was looking for a way to get outta here turn's out were not that far from midi city." "Thank goodness make sure never worried me again." you said getting out of the cave with your stuff "Don't worry Y/n I'll give you a gift when we arrive back to your apartment." he said walking to you, but you wonder a gift? 

You both walked for a while almost arriving to midi city you got a phone call "Yeah?" "Oh you need any help? we just arrive to yokai street but still a long way to midi city." dove asked "No thanks were almost to midi city anyway." you said seeing the city. "maybe you should look for sunrise group." "Yeah good point you stay in midi city and rest." as you ended the call "Hey Y/n." you turn replied to Aion "Yeah?" "Should we tell them we've been knowing each other and dating?" aion asked "I never thought about that." you said "But what happen something bad happen from not seeing each other again?" you hold closely to yourself you don't want to lose aion again. Aion wrapped his arms around you "We'll think of something even it prevents us from not seeing each other let's love each other than ever." which made you blush in that comment. (I'm adding another lemon in this story so sorry innocent readers I couldn't help myself XD)   

You sigh you both arrive at your apartment but you decided to tell dove that you both been dating this whole time. You looked at your phone should you call her or talk to her in person you put your phone down frustrated one step wrong your life would be ruin again. "Worry?" aion asked you nodded "So many things to answer I don't know what to do." Aion hold your hand "Talk her tomorrow, If something did went wrong let's have are last moment together." you nodded leaning against his chest as he hold you in bridal stly taking you to your room. (Lemon up just to let you know)  

You sat down your bed while Aion shut the door and locks it. "Were really going to do this again." you said removing your shirt and pants Aion chuckle "Better make the best of it." As he remove all his clothes except his boxers he got up on top of you and started kissing you, As you have your arms around his neck kissing him back. One of aion's hand went under your bra massaging your breast. You moan making a entrance for him, he slid his tongue to your mouth swirling around with your tongue. You stroke his long hair making him smile during the kiss soon pulling away for air with a string of saliva connected to your mouth's. Aion began to kiss your neck you moan in pleasure Aion smile removing your bra and panties you gasp in shock when Aion had two fingers inside you began to moan Aion was starting to leave hickeys in your neck "Aion..." you moan while he was playing around your clit and kissing you at the same time. You were about to cum until you heard your phone ringing "Sorry Aion can you hold on for a minute." Aion frown "Fine one minute." you smile looks like he can't control his love for you, you grabbed the phone answering "Hello?" "Oh hey it's sunrise doing okay?" sunrise ask "Yeah I was a middle of something." you said Aion finally said "Times up." he began to kiss your breast you tried to hold your moans but couldn't "Wait please don't tell me.. OH! MY GOSH SO SORRY TO INTERRUPTED YOUR MOMENT TOGETHER I THINK I'LL GO NOW UM BYE!" As the phone call ended Aion smirked throwing the phone away before you could say a word he put his lips to yours adding another fingers to your clit you moan during the kisses and started to cum letting all your juices out. Aion pull away the kiss "Not bad.." he said pulling out his fingers licking of the juices from you. You blushed looking at the other way until you felt something your legs lifted to Aion's shoulder feeling Aion licking your clit you panted to feel aion tongue swirling further to your clit drinking all your left over juices. You moan loud as Aion started to pull away gulping it down. "Sweet." he said giving a peck on your lips. Aion began to remove his boxers pulling out his member "Well I am yours and your mine do whatever you want with me." Aion said you nodded this is going to be fun. You started by stroking his member Aion grunted holding himself together you smile kissing it's top putting it into your mouth. Aion breathe heavily with deep moans you smile swirling around it with your tongue. Aion moan loud "Aha...Y/n.. m-more.. I want more." and you did when you start to suck it he moan more starting to cum you drink it gulping every single bit you remove his member out of your mouth making him frown you giggle began to leave hickeys in his neck making him moan. Aion soon started to kissing you while putting his member inside of you. "Ahh!! Aion!!" you yelled in pain feeling him pumping in you he got his body closer to you making marks around your body you moan feeling pain and pleasure at the same time. Aion moan during the kisses and so did you he collapse  his body against yours "Aha Aion faster." Aion smirked pumping more faster and harder you gasp when he hit your G-spot "Aion I feel like I'm going to cum again..." you said breathing heavily. Aion licked your cheek making you blush in embarrassment "I'll join with you." he said you nodded kissing each other soon climaxing at the same time inside each other. Aion was completely worn out and so were you. Aion whisper to your ear "Remember this moment if were ever apart." you nodded "Aion I can never be apart from you." Aion smile getting a blanket to cover both of your naked body. You lean against his chest with a smile. Aion smile stroking your hair and began to close his eyes to sleep. 

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