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As I watch Y/n play her guitar "What do you think?" she asked me when she stopped playing her guitar "Indeed lovely." I said she smile "Thanks it's a new song I'm working on." Y/n said I just remain silence I don't what to do I been awkward with Y/n the past few days all I wanted do was talk to her but never find the right words. I knew Y/n for a long time and I never felt like this ever since when I first heard her sing.  

*Flash back* 

"I never sing before." Y/n said looking at the paper of lyrics "Don't worry I'm sure you'll be fine," I said grabbing my guitar, "Just sing right here."  touching where her heart was she looked at me with her e/c so bright, she took a deep breath saying "Okay." I smile soon playing my guitar she took a moment soon singing. 

what was the reason 

that was so important to you 

I can't help but feeling so blue 

can anybody find my freedom 

so I can live again 

I know it might be hard 

but at least I'll be with you 

I looked at her while I was playing my guitar she sing so amazing! what was the weird feeling that I was feeling and I was pretty sure the moon's light is reflecting to her. 

So thanks to you 

I finally found my purpose 

I'm scarce of what lies next 

But I had to be strong 

can anybody find me 

who I'm suppose to be 

Instead of my journey belongs 

can true love happen 

but all I know your important  

She stopped singing and I stopped playing my guitar "So what do you think?" she asked "Uh..." I stutter "Was I really that good?" Y/n asked I nodded shyly. 

*Flash back end* 

"You awake?" hearing a voice I blinked realizing Y/n was waving her hand back and forth at my face. I had a tint of blush of my face. but I hid it by my hand "Were you saying something." she smile "Oh nothing." she said looking back at me.  

Your P.O.V 

Aion been acting weird for these past few days and you have no idea why maybe you guys are not use to each other yet. You heard a door knocked "I wonder who could that be?" you asked "Probably a light creature." Aion say you sigh and went to open the door. When you open the door a myumon husky boy hugged you saying "Y/n I miss you so much it been weeks!" "Can't breathe." you said in a small voice. The husky boy let go of you "Sorry I just got excited." he said scratching behind his ears. You chuckle "Your always excited." aion got up asking "Um... who is this strange energetic boy?" "Oh this is leo my friend, leo this is my friend aion." you say "Pleasure to meet you!" leo say holding up a hand shake. Aion looked at it a while but took the hand shake. You guess he never seen you with another guy friend. "Are you ready to go?" leo asked you "Wait where you two going?" Aion asked half of it was in a cold way. "I promise leo that I would hang out with him today." you answered putting away your guitar "Your okay by yourself?" you asked aion looked at his risk "I need to practice." as he left your apartment you were confused he didn't even have a watch! 


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