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Sunrise P.O.V 

"So wait where are you going?" I ask y/n "A date." she said getting ready "What kind of date?" i asked I'm always curious of dates and what kind it is is "I think a friend date." Y/n said "So no romance date." I tease she blush embarrass "Sunrise!" she yelled "What! it's what I think." I said in a honest way she sigh "What are you going to do anyway?" y/n ask I chuckle nervously "I'm going to hangout a friend who isn't an enemy." I said hey most of it was true "Okay..." she said leaving. I quickly got my phone calling him "Hello." he answer "Oh you're on great! so have he left yet?" I ask "Not really hence he having a hard time with something." he said "Oh... then if he left we both meet where they they both are going as there close friend we need to get to the bottom of this." I said "Right hence." he said ending the call. I quickly went to follow y/n. 

Aion P.O.V 

"How do we do this?" I asked myself struggle to tie this bow tie "Knock, knock hence." yaiba said opening the door "Can't you see black monster is having difficulties right now." I said continue to struggle to tie. "Just joking around aion hence." he said I sigh continue to tie "What are you doing hence?" yaiba ask "Just going on a date with a special person might helps us to know each other over the years that past." I said "So you're not going to a romantic date hence." yaiba said I just got the chills I didn't know why but half of me thinks this is a romantic date. "Need help with that tie hence?"  yaiba ask I sigh "Yeah." he soon untie the tie "A little advice for your date." he said tiring it "Don't go carry away about all about you just show that the person she knows is still in there so she can see your the guy she knows if you don't do it then that could ruin the relationship hence better things lead are way." as he finish it tying it "Finish hence." I check the mirror I wonder how can he do bow ties? I shook my head gotta concentrate. "Black monster will be back if he doesn't leave now." I said and left the place. I did felt like someone was following me. 

*Mean while with sunrise* 

"There you are." sunrise said looking at yaiba, he sigh saying "Took me a while hence aion have a good sense of people who would follow him." "Hmm... good point look like were going do this in stealth mode." sunrise said ready in action "Let just find out what there hiding and get out of here hence." yaiba said "Fine." sunrise said as both of them went to follow you and aion. 

Your P.O.V 

You sigh waiting for aion to come but you feel someone spying since your (myumon) ears keep twitching that means something. You looked around until you see aion "What took you so long?" you asked "I was having struggling." he said you looked at him he was wearing the same clothes like always but this time with a bow tie? you shook your head "So what do you want to do?" you ask as both of you started walking "I have no idea." all of a sudden you heard two voices. 

"Seriously hence?" 


you both heard the rustle in the bushes you and aion look at each other and went to see the bushes "Sunrise?" you said seeing sunrise "Yaiba." aion said seeing yaiba "Umm.. surprise." sunrise being nervous "Explanation now!" you said glaring at the sunrise and yaiba look at each other then said "Explain yours first." 

*Time skip*

You all went to get some tea so all of you went to a cafe "So how did you both met?" you ask sipping your tea "Actually we both work in the same place but I've met yaiba ever since we move to midi city." sunrise said "We clearly thought nothing would happen hence until are bands fought..." yaiba said sunrise and yaiba look at each other then you and aion "What about you? How did you know each other?" sunrise ask you and aion look at each other both of you knew how it happen it was hard with those days. You sigh you couldn't just be silence to them "We were friend when we were little." you said looking at the window "It brings me so many memories." 

*Flash back*  

"Look how the snow glitter so beautifully." you said spinning around feeling the cold air "But cold too." aion said feeling the cold shivers (You guys are kids XD) "Don't worry you didn't see the fun part." you said as you lay in the snow making a snow angel. 

We always have so much fun together 

"Careful! you might catch a cold." aion said you sigh he didn't know how to have fun you grab some snow making a snowball you throw it at aion. You laugh so hard falling in the snow "Ha,ha very funny..." aion said as he got a huge snowball "Oh no." you said and got up starting running the next thing you knew aion and you started running laughing on the way. Aion accidentally fall down when you both were in a hill you turn around seeing a moving snowball with aion coming to you. "Uh oh." you said running away from the snowball but it got you too. Lucky a tree a was blocking the snowball making it crash plotting a snow in a pile. You both poke your heads out of the pile laughing "Now that was fun." aion said "Yeah!!" you yelled soon a snow plot landed on you both "Aww... man." 

spending together was are thing 

(Middle age kids) "The sun sets when the sound planet spins around the surface of the universe." aion said reading the book out loud. "Interesting." you said still painting "Do you think this look good?" you ask showing the painting of the sunset to aion. He smile saying "It's great." you frown "Come on is there anything I can add?" you ask he sigh "Maybe blend a little more yellow to the red." you smile saying "That will do." "You know you can't have advice from me all the time." aion said "I know but who else am I going to ask that is my friend." you said smiling at him. He looked at the other way "Maybe god." "Or you." you said he sigh "Sometimes you're just to awesome to be ignore." 

But sometimes things would go the way we wanted 

(Teenagers years) you yawn in exhausted continue making notes and reading books "So tired." you said closing your eyes but shook your head to keep awake. You suddenly heard a knock in the window door you went to look soon seeing aion waving upside down "Aion what are you doing?" you ask while open the door "Meet me up in the roof." Aion said "I can't I have to study." you said "I have a surprise for you so do it for me." he said smiling at you. You thought for a moment but nodded "Fine." you said as you went somewhere higher opening the door window to get to the roof "Took you long enough." aion said "Yeah so what did you need me for?" you asked "Close your eyes." aion said you sigh closing them "Ta da!" he yelled you open them seeing a newest F/b soundtrack (Favorite band) "No way!" you yelled looking at it, "I thought they were all gone! where did you get this!" aion chuckle "I knew it was important to you so I bought it as quickly I can." you smile at him saying "Thank you." he blushed a bit but looked at the moon saying "No problem." as you both looked at the moon 

soon something bad happen 

*Flash back end* 

"Yeah we know." yaiba and sunrise said at the same time "You do?" you and aion said at the same time. "Yeah you both got kick out from your family because you both wanted to make music for the rest of your lives." "How did you know that part?" you asked "Dove have a old newspaper of it but don't worry she doesn't know about you and aion... yet." sunrise said you did a sigh of relief yaiba checked his phone "Aion it time to practice hence." yaiba said aion nodded "It would be best not let the other bands get curious." he said having his hand mysteriously. Later all of you have to say goodbye and went to opposite directions "So you and y/n." yaiba said teasing aion "We just have the best relationship anyone else could ever have and I'm sure I don't have forward feelings for y/n." aion said yaiba shrugged "If you say so hence." but what yaiba didn't know that aion was thinking about you.     

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