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A/n: last chapter for this chapter since I have no idea what write next after this chapter so I'm making this the last chapter so I hope you enjoy this. 

You had your eyes open looking at the ceiling you couldn't sleep at all, You looked next to you seeing aion asleep. You smile what happen today was a day you'll never forget. 

*Flash back* 

"And that's it." you said looking down pride and sunrise were in shock well sunrise did knew but not all of it while dove was having a straight face "Sunrise, pride." dove said looking at them "Get out of here." they nodded leaving her room sunrise give a 'good luck' face to you once they left the room dove looked at you waiting for your answer you looked down tears started streaming in your eyes since you knew what was going to happen. 

 "I sorry I just wanted to be with him for my past years I know him as long I could remember it was wrong for me disobey your rules but I been looking for him for my life if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here joining the black scarlet, making music, finally... being with him. I'll do anything to be with him Please!!! If that isn't what you want then I'll just quit black scarlet." 

You really didn't want to you felt everything torn to pieces inside of you "It's okay I already knew." dove said your eyes widen she knew... "I always knew that happen to you what else you would join black scarlet you were looking for someone weren't you." you nodded slowly "So when I first read that newspaper I knew where he was so I decided to let them have a battle with us and I knew you'll do the rest for yourself but I'm still disappointed in you, You should have talk me about it so I can get rid of the rules just for a excuse." you eyes lit up "So all this time you knew." you said she nodded "But I thought you hated the ShinganCrimsonz." you said "I just said there weird I never said I hated them." (Basically it's true) she said "So all this time I have nothing to worried about." you said she nodded "But you did break the rule so you'll going have to make the next song all by yourself for your punishment but hey I'll get rid of the rules and let sunrise and pride know." she said you smile "Thank you so much dove!" she roll her eyes "Yeah whatever just get out of my room or else I'll change my mind." and so you did "So how did it go." sunrise asked you smile "Like a dream." she smile "Real proud of you y/n even it was a pain in the butt." you smile "Now excuse me I have a boyfriend to talk to." you said sunrise smile waving goodbye to you while you were leaving the place running with a smile. 

*End flash back*          

You smile thinking of that moment it was the best feeling ever. You looked at aion leaning against his chest saying "I love you aion." at first you thought he was asleep but you could feel him smiling wrapping his arms around whispering softly to you. 

"I love you too y/n." 

*Few weeks later*    

Soon everyone knew that you and aion well it had to get use to but once in a while all of you got along with each other well sunrise was asking a lot of question "No seriously, Crow how did you make so many amazing music?" sunrise asked crow smile "I learn from myself of course it's like your my number one cattle." "Whatever at least your like a brother to me." sunrise said "Looks like crow having a lot question again." pride said "Tell me about then it'll be my turn." rom said sweat dropping "Good point hence." yaiba said "Well that's sunrise alright." dove said. 

(It's true I ask a question to my only friend in person which I'll not tell you the question then she burst out laughing since it was really dirty mind XD) 

"Well at least she get's her answer." you said smiling "Indeed." Aion said smiling at you aion change a little ever since the two bands knew you two were dating he was actually showing how much he loves you more than anyone in the world. "You know I still can't believe you been hiding this from all of us." pride said you chuckle nervously "Sorry I thought you were not going to let us see each other again." you explain "Your just lucky that nothing happen." Dove said you got up "I should get going better finish that song." you said leaving while the other said goodbye. 

You walked for a while but you stopped saying "I know your there." you heard noise behind a wall you smile "You don't need to worried I'll be fine." "The dark sun god won't let his goddess walk towards danger." Aion said showing himself you sign he's over protected "Aion you don't have to worried about me I'll be fine." you said again and of course he didn't believe one bit. Aion walked towards you putting his lips to yours you smile kissing back. Soon a few minutes you separated the kiss "Still aion you still don't need to worried." he smile "I know I just want to kiss you." you punch him in the arm playfully smiling "You could always ask for a kiss." "Well y/n whenever you are I'll be there to even after all these years." aion said as you both walked hand to hand. 

A/n: well this is it the last chapter :( I really did enjoy making this but all stories have ending and this story have a happy ending ^-^        

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