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You, dove and pride were eating but not sunrise she was drinking "Sunrise you gotta stop drinking." You said continue eating sunrise frown "Not my fault that you have a *hiccups* problem with it." As she order another glass of water (Dude first I would never be drunk second I act drunk when I drink too much water and third I love water!) she drink it but stopped saying "I think I *Hiccups* drink too much..." "That's what we met sunrise." Dove said still eating her rice but sat them down saying "Black scarlet we need to talk." The three of you myumon stopped what were you doing sunrise asked "What is it?" dove pulled out a scroll "I'm making some new rules for the black scarlet." All of you sweat drop usually dove would have rules for the black scarlet but if one of you break them it depends on charge or quitting the band. "So what are the new rules?" You asked hoping it doesn't involve with bands. Dove open the scroll while saying "It's about the shingancrimsonZ boys." As she began reading them "1. Never talk to a shingancrimsonZ unless giving them a pain talk 2. Never sing with one, and finally 3. The important one is never EVER! Fall in love with a shingancrimsonZ." The three of you myumons began silent for a while of dove rules until pride broke it.

"So whose going too paid today?" Pride asked drinking a soda "Because I've paid the last three times." You sigh and taking out some money "I guess I'll do it." You said "Aww thanks y/n." Dove said finishing her rice "Too bad... we can't get free food that would be a miracle." "Actually *Hiccups* I think that does exists." Dove had her eyes wide "Really? How?" sunrise drink a little bit of water saying "It's called samples." Dove frown getting her hopes up. Pride laugh saying "You shouldn't get your hopes up." "Shut up!" dove yelled you got up placing the money down saying "I'm going for a walk." "Okay *Hiccups* be careful it's a cold night!" sunrise said waving while dove and pride were auguring. You sigh walking out of the place with your guitar your band mostly bring your music everywhere not really with pride since she play the drums. You looked around began walking somewhere to a secret place where you always play your guitar singing

The bruise and scars

That feel pain

Doesn't feel a thing

Because I will

Have life depending on me

You stopped playing remember that your friend sing the other part of the song, you sigh and play softly looking at the sky. "That myumon..." you said having a vision of the myumon that play the guitar the other day. He was so familiar but you didn't get his name you sigh it would have probably be best if you didn't know his name. You close your eyes feeling the stiff night of darkness. "Y/n..." hearing a voice behind you, you turn around seeing the loin myumon you turn the other direction asking "What do you want?" "Do... you remember me?" he asked with his hands remove from his face (I know he always have his hands in his face) you looked at him asking "I think but I never got your name." "It's aion." He said looking the other way that is when it stun you that his name was aion you looked at him seeing that he looked familiar it brings you memories "Aion is that really you?" you asked wondering if it was really him "Yes... I've never knew that you were going join a band but I see you have." He said pointing at the guitar that he gave you. You smile saying "Yeah... it kept me going I never knew music was going be this fun." You realized something he was shingancrimsonZ you weren't allowed to talk to him, you looked at him he was the same aion you still remember well sort of but you smile 'well he's an old friend I guess maybe... I found a shortcut of dove's rules'

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