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You open your eyes yawning and still a little hurt from last night you looked at aion who was still sleeping you smile at him 'sleepy head.' your phone rang you check on it seeing 55 missed calls you answer "Yeah?" "Oh! finally you pick up! Anyway... you know that were still in your apartment locked from the window door yaiba and I been calling you all night but you never answered being in the night outside was really scaring even with all that moaning." hearing sunrise in the phone you blush very badly they heard you. "I'll be there soon just stay put." "Um hello? I have no where to go!" you push the end button. "I'll be back Aion." you said giving him a quick kiss in the cheek. Aion toss to the other side smiling, You change into some new clothes and put some perfume on so they realize the smell but you were to lazy to brush your hair. You mumble some words opening the window door. Sunrise immediately get out of there instantly "Oh it was a disaster in there! I'm never want to get lock there again." yaiba came out "Took long enough hence." you chuckle nervously "I guess I was so exhausted last night I mustn't heard your phone calls." you explain to them they both nodded "So how was you and aion?" you smile "Great! were dating now." yaiba and sunrise look at each other worried "Is something wrong?" you asked "No not at all we think your a great couple it just... you know bands member and doves rules remember. If one of those found out about you two then what? I'm just warning you that's all." sunrise said you nodded "Don't worry I won't let my guard down." yaiba asked "Kind of think of it where is that aion?" "In my room sleeping." you answered sunrise and yaiba were in shock of hearing that you were confused until you realized what you said you were in a deep blush trying to find an excuse "It's not what you think I mean yes we did have sex but still at least I didn't you know oh forget it." looking at the other way. It was silence for a couple of seconds until sunrise phone ring "Yes." she answered "Oh dove! hi... really? wait what?... YES! I mean do we have to?... I see well see you there." "Is something wrong?" you asked "You know that black scarlet never rejected a request?" you nodded "Well were going in a tour with ShinganCrimsonz! now this is some battle so were going to get prepare." sunrise answered you nodded "I should get packing." you said finding things to wear. Yaiba went to the door saying "I should get going well see you hence." as he went so did sunrise. You finished packing "Maybe I should cook some food and desserts." you know that black scarlet love your cooking but what would ShinganCrimsonz think? You thought of aion you went to check on him, he was still sleeping you sigh he can't sleep forever. You nudge him saying "Wake up aion it's morning." he get up saying "All ready? feel like time past fast." you smile giving a kiss in the forehead "Get changing aion your band mates might wonder where you are?"  as you left to the bedroom and went to the kitchen finding things to make it's a tour so your going to make a lot of food that are hand made. Aion came asking "What are you doing?" "Making food why?" you answered "I never knew you cook." "That because you never asked." aion gave you a kiss "What kind of kiss was that for." you asked "You'll see." he said leaving you shook your head now time to cook more treats you realize something did he stole a cupcake? 

Aion P.O.V 

I finished eating the cupcake on my way to BRR I wish I had more they were really good. When I open the door I heard lot's of argument "No seriously were not going in a tour with them!" crowed yelled at are manager who call himself president. "This make no sense they hate us why would they agree on going on a tour with us." rom said "What's going on..." I asked yaiba while rom and crow argue with president. "Were going on a tour with black scarlet hence but there trying to reject it." yaiba answered I thought for a moment going on a tour with y/n would be fun. "There's no turning back now," president said "And beside how else I can own money black scarlet is way popular then you." let's just say that guy is dead for sure. 

Your P.O.V 

While the van was getting ready dove asked "Where's y/n she should have been here right now." the two other shrug didn't know what were you doing. "I'm here." you said running with a bag and suitcase. "Are all your stuff in there y/n." pride ask you puffed "Of course not! the bag have my stuff and the suitcase have the things I've cook." dove sigh "Okay listen up black scarlet! the rules will be on hold for now so by the end of this tour I'll think about to get rid of them or let them continue depends how much they bug me." you and sunrise look at each other there's only one chance you better not mess it up. "Okay! better make the best of it," sunrise said "This is going be a piece of cake unlike I do back in my country." you heard a honk meaning it time to go.

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