"Your little boy's doing fine. He's strong."

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Even though you don't
Mean to hurt me
You keep tearing me apart

"A nurse is in her way in," Veronica said, taking a seat next to Toby's chair.

"Hi, mom," Spencer groaned, waiting for the inevitable speech about how she shouldn't have ever left the barn.

"I was worried." Her mother clipped . To Spencer's surprise, nothing followed.

"Hi, Spencer," said a blonde, overly perky nurse,  walking into Spencer's already crowded room.

"How are you feeling? Any pain?" The nurse asked, checking her vitals.

She shook her head. "None."

Nurse perky smiled. "That's fantastic! I'll send the doctor in to do some tests but so far everything looks fine,"

"What about the baby?" Spencer asked, finally remembering the fetus growing inside her.

"Your little boy's doing fine. He's strong." She smiled.

"Boy?" Spencer whimpered quietly.

"Did I forget to mention that?" Toby beamed and it was like they were the only two in the room.

Toby scooped her into his arms and they hugged their problems away.

"I told you I was having a boy," Spencer smirked at her mother who rolled her eyes.

"Ok, family," the perky nurse interfered. "Let's let Mommy get some rest,"

Mommy. The word hung in the air like dead weight. Was she a mommy? Did everyone think she was suddenly going to keep her son because they had a near death experience?

That was exactly what Hanna was thinking because she decided wait around until it was just the two friends alone.

"So what does that mean, Mommy?" She used the word. "I thought you weren't keeping him?"

"I'm not." Spencer said, subconsciously placing her warms hand on her inflated stomach.

"Really? Cause it sure didn't look like it." Hanna said, with a stern voice.

"It's confusing." Spencer clipped.

"Make a decision." Hanna stated. "Because that man wants a baby," she pointed to the hallway where Spencer knew Toby was patiently waiting for her to let him in.

"What?" Spencer asked.

"You heard me." Hanna sasses. "The only thing Toby wants more than a family of his own is to make you happy,"

"That's not true." Spencer stated. Feeling uncomfortable with Hanna telling her her relationship was a disaster.

"Spence, I'm not trying to make your decision harder." Hanna said. "I'm trying to tell you that you should decide what you wanna do but then stick with your decision."

Spencer inhales sharply. "I think I should rest."

It and out more harsh than she had meant it but her raging hormones wanted her to sleep and Hanna was making her think about things she didn't want to think about.

Hanna nodded and left without another word.

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