"Whatever you wanna do. I want you to decide."

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He's your first love.
I intend to be your last.

"Hey, Spencer!" The nurse said, coming into her room with a big smile. "I'm just going to do an ultrasound, ok?"

Spencer nodded, rubbing her sleepy eyes. "Thanks,"

"Do you have any name ideas yet?" She asked as she looked at the machine and waved the wand around Spencer's stomach.

"Um, no, actually..." Spencer debated weather to tell the nurse she wasn't keeping him or not. She decided to amuse herself. "I just haven't thought about it."

She smiled. "My kids five tomorrow and truthfully, I wish I had gone with something a little more modest than Sebastian."

"Five?" Spencer asked. The nurse nodded.

"Aren't you... you know a little-"

"Young?" She offered. "I was 17 when I got pregnant with little Seb,"

"Really?" Spencer asked, meekly.

She sighed. "I admire people who can put their kids up for adoption."

"You do?" Once again the nurse nodded.

"I was going to give him up myself but I held him for one second... and I couldn't let go." She smiled at the memory. "Now I could imagine my life without him."

About an hour later Toby found Spencer watching the babies in the nursery wing of the hospital.

"What are you doing?" Toby asked his girlfriend.

She ignored him. "Do you think we should do it?"

"Do what?" He asked even though he was almost positive what she was talking about.

"Give him up, keep him? Whatever you wanna do. I want you to decide." Spencer told him.

Toby sighed and put his hand on her arm. "It doesn't matter what I want. It matters if you want to do it. It has to be all or nothing."

"I wanna be a in." Spencer replied quietly.

"But does that mean you are?" Toby asked.

Spencer look up at him with tears in her eyes. "I don't know. I don't know if we are setting ourselves up for destruction or if we our setting our kid up for destruction or both. I just don't know."

"Or neither." Toby offered.

"You think we are all gonna be on happy family forever. I don't wanna put my kid in the middle of two separated parents, Toby, and do you really wanna be with me forever?"

Toby looked around the empty hallway and sighed.

I looked down. Of course he didn't want to be with me forever. Who would?

He looked directly at me before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a velvet box. Toby opened it and inside was the most ring Spencer had ever seen.

"Yes, Spencer." Toby said. "I do wanna be with you forever."

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