Isaac Lahey - "Go to hell"

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Sweat covered your forehead and while the music blasted in your ears, you let your legs run faster and faster. You knew that it was late already, probably almost midnight, but you had not been able to sleep and just going out for a while and getting yourself tired sounded like a good idea.

"What are you doing here?" Two firm hands grabbed your shoulders, forcing you to stand still. "It's dark. You should be in bed."

You rolled your eyes and took one earphone out. "I could ask you the same thing, isaac." You crossed your arms over your chest. You were out of breath and all your muscles were hurting and most of all you started to get tired. "What are you doing here and shouldn't you be in bed?" You raised your eyebrows and Isaac scratched the back of his neck.

"I...." He almost stumbled over his own words. "I was helping Scott with something and we forgot the time and..." He looked over his shoulder, his eyes wide open.

"And?" You shook your head. "Are you expecting someone? Are you being chased by someone's dog? Did you see a ghost?"

"No, no, I just..." Isaac kept silent for a moment. "I just need you to get home right now, okay?" His eyes met yours and for a moment you just stared at him in disbelief.

"You are telling me that I have to get home?" You chuckled. "Isaac, I'm old and wise enough to decide myself when I can be out and when not. I promise, I won't get anywhere near the woods."

"It's not just the woods!" Isaac raised his voice. "You should go home! Just go home, please!"

"And why are you all of a sudden so worried about my well being?" You took a deep breath. Now you were standing still for such a long time you realized how tired you had actually gotten.

"I...I..." Isaac hesitated, opening his mouth to say something and then closing it again as if he had all of a sudden forgotten the words. "You just have to go home."

"Go to hell!" You threw your hands in the air. "You show up in the middle of the night telling me to go home and you can't even give me one decent reason to do so?" You wanted to put your earphone back in, but Isaac grabbed your wrist to stop you.

"I'm just..." He took a deep breath. "I'm worried about you, okay?" He bent his head and stared at his feet. "I know it's kinda hard to believe, but I'm just worried about you and I'd feel better if you were at home."

You stared at him for a moment, your eyes wide open, your heart racing in your chest. "You're worried about me?" You softened your voice, your eyes meeting his. "So, Scott telling me that you liked me a lot more than I thought, that was actually true?"

Isaac avoided your glance and he placed a hand in his neck. "Look, I tried my best not to feel anything for you..." He paused and licked his lips. "Guess what, I failed." He barely dared to look up at you. "Can you please go home now?"

"Why don't you walk me there yourself?" You curled your lips up into a smile and took your other earphone out too.

"That...that would be great."

Isaac Lahey - Teen Wolf Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now