Isaac Lahey - "Netflix and Chill?"

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"So euh..." Isaac licked his lips when he turned his face towards you. His arm rested on your shoulder and your head leaned against his chest. "When do your parents come back, actually?" He cocked his head slightly and there was a twinkle in his eyes you knew all too well.

"I don't know. They didn't say that." You spoke softly and you turned around so your nose brushed his. "Why are you asking?" You knew exactly why he was asking it, but you liked his cheeks turning pink when you forced him to say it out loud.

"Well..." Isaac paused for a moment and he tightened his grip on you. "When you asked me to come over for Netflix and chill, I wasn't really thinking that you literally meant Netflix and chill." His cheeks heated up and a smile spread across your face.

"O?" You pushed yourself up and you tapped the tip of his nose while you placed your hand on his chest. "Then what did you think I was talking about? Why would I say something and not mean it literally?" Your lips were almost touching his, but just when he was about to close the gap between your faces, you turned your head away so his kiss ended on your cheek.

"You know what I'm talking about!" Isaac groaned. "You just want me to say it out loud, do you?" He sighed and then he pressed his lips to your ear. "I was actually thinking about trying out that kingsize bed in your spare bedroom."

You giggled and then you grabbed his shirt and kissed his lips. "That sounds good to me." You kissed his cheek, his jaw, his neck and then you lifted his shirt up and started to press kisses on his stomach, trailing lower and lower until you had to unbutton his jeans. "Don't you think we'd be wasting time by going there though?" You shove his jeans over his hips, slowly, that slowly that eventually Isaac pulled it out himself and threw it on the floor next to the couch.

"Are you trying to kill me?" He pressed the palms of his hands to your cheeks and his eyes met yours. "Again?" He tightened his grip, but you placed your hand on the growing bulge in his boxershort. "Fine, we'll do it right here." He grabbed the bottom of your shirt and pulled it over your head. But just when he was about to kiss you again you heard the front door being opened and quickly you set up.

"Get dressed..." You hissed between your teeth and you grabbed your shirt from the floor and pulled it over your head. You were counting the seconds and you hoped that your parents would take their jackets off before having a look at you.

Isaac had barely put on his jeans again when your parents eventually walked into the living room. Isaac's cheeks were still pink and it was clear that he was not sitting too comfortable. "Hello..." He licked his lips and he placed his hands in his lap.

"Is everything alright here, honey? Did you have a nice evening?" Your mother curled her lips up into a smile. Either she had not noticed what she had just missed or she decided to simply not mention it.

You really hoped it was the first option. "Everything is fine, really." You nodded. "We were just doing the usual." You swallowed and you fought the urge to place a hand on Isaac's upper leg. "Netflix and chill."

Isaac Lahey - Teen Wolf Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now