Isaac Lahey "Letter from Paris" (Sequel to: "Letter to Paris")

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Isaac stared at the empty paper in front of him. He had wanted to write you something for weeks now, maybe even months, but it felt weird to do so after weeks and months of silence. He had no idea how you were doing at the moment. He had no idea if you were safe. If Beacon Hills was safe. A part of him didn't want to know. As long as he wouldn't know, he wouldn't have to worry.

No news was good news, after all.

He took a deep breath and bit the back of his pen. He had to admit that he started to feel lonely. No matter how beautiful Paris was, making friends was not something he was good at. He had never really had real friends. Not until he had met Scott, Allison, you and maybe even Stiles. And now he had no one to talk to, no one he could tell about his days, no one he could tell about his fears.

What would happen when the Argents would find out that he's a werewolf? What would happen when they would realize that they had invited their enemy into their midst? What would happen if they would discover that Chris was teaching him all their techniques, was giving up all their secrets, was giving him information he shouldn't have?

Isaac shook his head when his ringing phone interrupted his thoughts. "Yes?" He answered without checking the screen, being all too used to strangers calling him, saying things in languages he didn't understand.

"Isaac?" Your voice trembled. "I didn't know if you would still have the same number, but I just had to call you..." You swallowed and Isaac straightened his back while his lips curled up into a slight smile. "I just wanted to know how you are doing?"

Isaac noticed that something was wrong. He noticed that the happiness in your voice wasn't real. He noticed that you were just calling him because you wanted to know how he was doing. "I'm lonely without you." He cocked his head and leaned on his elbow. "How are you doing without me?" He licked his lips and for a moment there was nothing but silence.

"I think I'm going to die, Isaac." Your voice still wasn't steady and Isaac held his breath. "I think we're all gonna die, but I don't want you to come back. Please, don't come back. I just wanted...I just needed...I just had to know that you're happy, that you're okay, that you're fine." You barely breathed in between your sentences, but once in a while you sniffed and Isaac wished he could reach out for you through the telephone, could hold you, could press you to his chest.

"I'm just lonely." Isaac lied, not wanting to make whatever was going on even worse. "Apart from that I'm fine. I'm sure I'll make some new friends soon." He swallowed and he was glad that you weren't there to stare straight into his eyes, to notice that this was all a lie. "Are you sure you don't need me to come and help you?"

"You can't come, Isaac." You spoke softly. "I don't want to die knowing that you're in danger too." Without another word you broke the connection and Isaac let out a deep sigh.

Maybe he needed to tell Chris that something was going on. If he wasn't allowed to go back to save you, he could maybe send someone who could.

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