Diary Entry

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Catching a glimpse in the mirror, I barely recognized myself. My newly dyed bleach blonde hair was pulled back into a high pony tail. I had dyed it before even coming to the city of Gotham. Tapping my pen a couple times against the side of my notebook, I paused to think how to start my entry. The journal wasn't big, only a small red composite notebook.

~WEEK ONE: Aug, 27th ~

Okay, I'm just getting this straight for research purposes. This is not some girly diary, I will not fan girl over a boy nor will I gossip about latest rumors or my darkest secrets. This is my psychology analysis notebook. What is that one may ask? It is where i'll take notes from what I observe from my daily life and apply it to the real world. Hence this is NOT A DIARY.

Blondie, Barbie, Bozo, Bimbo. Trust me, I've heard it all. I'm going to prove them wrong, everyone one of them. I refuse to fall under the blonde stereotype, a ditzy stupid girl. Someday I'm going to be a psychologist working at the finest institution in Gotham.

I'll figure out what exactly makes people do what they do. You know why? It's simple, people follow a same dreadfully dull pattern. Hopefully my studying will prove the world is right.

Questions I shall ponder....
Is everything really black and white?
Good and bad?

It surely seems that way, well at least here, in Gotham. There's not to much in between, I mean turning on the news it's obvious here the Bad out ways the good. I haven't even been here that long....maybe a week perhaps?

Tomorrow will be my first day attending Gotham High but I've heard it's a strange place. I did apply to the academy of Gotham, it's a private school towards the west estates. I swear I would have given anything just to go there. The reason I didn't get accepted to that school was you have to be rich, like the Bruce Wayne rich. Straight A's and I didn't get accepted but am I sad? No, because this will only make my studies greater. One day I'll publish my own book on psychology, become rich and famous....then I'll be able to get into any institute I want. But for now it's off to public school to me.
- Harleen

If the words are in Italics that is what she has or is writing in her journal. )

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