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Rachel POV:

   Hey. I'm Rachel and I've been living on this planet we call earth for 13 years.  Over the years of my life, I've had various last names. Williams, Eagan, Naill, Talford and even Caballero.  I'm pretty sure there's another one I'm forgetting about, but I've been in the hands of the U.S. Fostercare system since I can remember.  All I know about my biological parents is that they gave me up when I was a few weeks old, and requested to be anonymous.  They wanted nothing to do with me. Over the years I came to accept that.  Not everyone had to like me.  Throughout the homes I've been in there have obviously been ones that stuck out more than others, but overall they all were pretty crappy. 

When I was younger I imagined getting fostered or adopted by my dream family.  Rich, treated me right and one in which I felt cared for, loved and safe.  One home came close to that, but they didn't quite like my pranks. You see before I was sent back here, to the orphanage, I was in the care of the Eagan's.  They treated me pretty alright, they had another two kids that were biological but treated me pretty fairly in comparison.  They were both boys, aged 15 and 12.  One older and one younger than myself.  I'm quite the prankster, but not over the top.  Simple, harmless pranks are my specialty.  A slippery doorknob, fake spider, maybe an electric shock pen.  That was my area of expertise, I never really went outside of that, afraid of harming others.

The Eagan's sent me back after I played a prank on Ethan, the older boy, even though I had only played the famous 'saran wrap over the toilet' prank.  Somehow they thought it was rude yet the younger boy, Diego, had played that prank on Ethan and that time they found it funny.

It's not like I thought I was going to be there forever anyway, my longest stay in a foster home had been an agonizing 6 years.  I always made my way back to the orphanage somehow.  It was quite funny actually.  You're probably thinking how many pranks I had to play to get out of each home. But that's not the case.  Yes, some were because of pranks, but others were plainly just because I refused to do the 30 chores a day they had planned out for me.  I get it, I was a foster child. But still, I wasn't a damn slave.  

Demi Lovato was my absolute role model.  I grew up seeing Camp Rock, and Sonny With a Chance in the orphanage and then fell even harder with her music.  I loved seeing her perseverance through all of her tough times, and it inspired me to be a better person.  My slightly realistic dream nowadays is not getting adopted by my 'dream' family, but instead maybe going to a single concert of hers.  I think that would be the highlight of my life.  I had quite a few Lovatic friends and we had to stay in contact somehow, with me bouncing from home to home.  I had saved up all my money to get a phone, so I could text them.  Keep in mind it took years to finally get enough money.  Sometimes I even had to busk on the streets using old guitars I found lying around in the homes I was living in.  I wasn't too bad if I do say myself, but that's obviously biased.  That's basically like saying your kid is amazing.  Every parent says that even if your kid is wrecking your ears with drums they are playing.

I never really stayed in one school.  For the 6 years, I was in a school, I had a pretty okay experience.  I met Lovatic friends, and to this day we are still good friends.  They know about my situation and don't treat me an ounce differently.  I'm eternally grateful for that.  Having good friends to lean on, even in the darkest of times.  I haven't lived an easy life, and I am okay with that.  I've come to accept that.  I wouldn't imagine living life any other way.  A boring life with nothing to live for would mean nothing to me.  Nothing interesting and nothing to work through or for.  Besides, the orphanage wasn't that bad.  The owner of the orphanage was named Anna- Marie.  She was fairly nice but was a tad bit strict.  I was allowed to go out with my friends at night though.  I had a curfew of 5 o'clock and I was supposed to tell her where I was at all times.  It may seem bad to you, but to me, it was an upside compared to houses that wouldn't even let me past the doormat.  It was like being locked up in a cage. 

  Back to Demi though.  She has brightened up my life better than anything else has.  I think she has saved me.  Saved me from falling into the wrong path in life, even when she's in hers.  Managing to keep me smiling is a tough task sometimes but she pulls it off without even knowing.  She's also brought me my best friends.  And without our bond over Demi, I don't think that we would be getting along as well as we do right now.  Demi is our rock.  She's the constant in my algebraic expression.  She's always there, in my life, when nobody else is.  

You must think, damn, that kid must have messed up trust issues.  Truth is, I surprisingly don't.  I either trust you right off the bat or I don't.

"Rachel, come down and help with dinner",  Anna-Marie yells.

That's my call to go. I'm a pretty sweet kid on the inside. Don't let the badass on the outside of me fool you. 

I hope that you enjoyed the first proper chapter:)

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Remember that you're beautiful just the way you are. Stay Strong.


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