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Rachel POV:

Tonight is Demi's show and I am more than excited. I'm sure you would too if you were meeting your idol. The ticket was mailed to me and arrived in the orphanage mailbox this morning. They had asked if I had a parent or guardian that was going to come along, but Anna-Marie told me that she was fine if she just dropped me off at the venue, and picked me up afterward. I still had to pick out my outfit, but other than that I had Demi's notebook and letter ready, as well as the tickets laid out. I went to my small closet and opened the door. I took out a pair of black skinny jeans and a Demi Lovato t-shirt. I put on a Lovatic bracelet and shoved my phone in my jeans pocket. I had a small purse on my shoulder for the tickets and my wallet, just in case. In my hand was Demi's present. I was ready.

Demi POV:

Tonight was my concert in L.A. I wondered if the girl with the amazing voice was coming today. This concert, I was going to do the meet and greet before the show. I headed to the dressing room as I had just finished my rehearsal. It went surprisingly well. In the dressing room, I saw some food laid out. I opened a bottle of water and a bag of chips. Relaxing, I stretched my legs out, anticipating the best for the meet and greet.

"Demi, it's time for the meet and greet", my manager told me. Picking up the plastic water bottle that sat beside me, I made my way to the meet and greet.

I met a few big groups of girls, a few teenage boys, a super cute four-year-old, but still no sign of the amazing singer. Halfway through, I started to debate if the radio station even let her win.

Rachel POV:

Once I double checked everything I was bringing, I yelled up to Anna-Marie.

"I'm ready to go", I told her.

"Just wait a second!", she told me.

Five minutes later, we got into the car without the rest of the kids as it was summer and the other kids were at summer camp. Good thing I opted out on summer camp, otherwise I would've missed Demi's concert. The traffic to the arena where the concert was being held, took ages to get to. We were in bumper to bumper traffic but eventually, we pulled up at the arena. I hopped out with my phone, purse and Demi's gift in hand. Anna-Marie reminded me that when I was finished I was to call her so she could pick me up, then we exchanged our goodbyes.

I headed into the arena expecting to be last, and surely I was. I stood at the end of the line, dead last. It was better than nothing though. I was still meeting The Demetria Devonne Lovato. I was just going to be the last to do so. But that was fine with me.

You know what they say. Something is better than nothing. In front of me, there was a guy, probably a few years older than me wearing a Lovatic bracelet. He had earbuds in and didn't seem like he was in the mood for conversation so I let him be. I just stood there for an hour glancing at my phone once in a while, anxiously waiting. Finally, a bodyguard tapped me on the shoulder and motioned for me to go and meet Demi. I looked behind me and there was no one. I was dead last.

I stepped up and into the area Demi was in. We hugged and I told her she was absolutely stunning.

"You are beautiful", she told me.

"Here's a letter and a notebook. It's not much and I know, but I hope you read it, thanks", I told her.

I left the area, heading towards the stage where the concert was to take place. I was near the front, being as these tickets I won were pretty good. Demi sang her set, and by the end, I had almost lost my voice. I called Anna-Marie and she picked me up within a few minutes of the concert ending.

I walked to the entrance of the orphanage and headed up to my room for the night. Today had been a good day.

Demi POV:
"Ahhhhhh", I screamed while my little sister Maddie chased me around my own house with a can of some sort of substance.  When I reached the top of the stairs I panted, losing my breath. 
"You win. I surrender", I told Maddie.  She gladfully took the can and sprayed the substance, now identified as whipped cream, all over my face.
  Suddenly a reminder came into my brain.  My jacket pocket.
Earlier during the meet and greet, the young girl, who sang that beautiful cover had met me.  She handed me a letter and a notebook. 
I yelled at Mads, who was now a few doors down, to wait, as I put our movie night on pause.   I ran downstairs to where my jacket was placed, reaching into the pocket for the letter.  With the letter in hand, I reached over into my bag, where the notebook had been set. Picking them both up, with care and accuracy, I bolted up the stairs back into the movie room.  Inside I saw Mads sprawled out on a beanbag in the corner, most likely on Twitter or Instagram.  She seemed focused on what she was doing so I let her be.  Instead, I opened the letter and began reading.

"Dear Demi,"

I hope that you enjoyed this chapter:) The story is really beginning to take off now.  If you have any questions or suggestions, even comments, leave them below:) They always bring a smile to my face.

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Remember that you're beautiful just the way you are. Stay Strong.


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