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Demi POV:

"Why are you hurting Rachel? Maddie!" I slightly yelled catching attention from some nearby tables. But I couldn't care less. I wasn't going to let her get out of this easily. Wishing that I hadn't had done that, I simply dragged Maddie to the bathroom to have a talk with her. If looks could kill, Mads would be dead.

"So, Madison, why are you hurting Rachel?" I attempted to take the calm route but failed as you could clearly hear the anger in my voice.


"'Cause what?"

"'Cause she's going to ruin my dang life!"

"And why do you think that? Didn't we teach you better?"

She sighed.

"Because Rachel's going to be the new one in the family. I'm going to be replaced no matter what. I'm not going to be the youngest one anymore. Scratch that actually; I'm not the youngest anymore. I'm scared of all of this."

"When you came, you know I felt replaced a bit at least. Then I realized I didn't get the attention taken away, and you made my life better after all. Right? Give her a chance Maddie. She's a lovely kid. Get to know her, and for a fact, if you go up to her right now and apologize, she's probably going to forgive you, because that's the kind of person she is. Just give her a chance. For me?"

"Kay. I'll try. Thanks Dems."

Maddie POV:

Shoot. I messed up real bad. Honestly, if someone did something like I just did to Rachel to me, I would flip out and get so pissed at them. How is she not punching me?

I walk out of the washroom, Demi trailing behind, and headed towards our table.

I return to my seat beside Rachel and words instantly are spilling out of my sorry mouth.
"You didn't do anything to me and I just assumed the worst right off the bat. Not about you, but about how I was going to be treated. I assumed that you were going to take all the attention, but clearly, you aren't. I was jealous of you. I'm really sorry about that. Any chance we can try this whole sister thing out again?"
"Of course", Rachel says effortlessly.
" How are you forgiving me so easily when I've just done all of these horrible things to you?", I ask.
" 'Cause I know you had the right intentions. And because now we're sisters, and I'm not completely sure on that yet as I'm just working that out, and it's all new to me, but I do know that sisters forgive one another. Even in the hardest and darkest of times."
" Damn. You sound like a poet."
"If you think this part of me is a poet, wait until you meet the 3AM side of me!"
Rachel started to laugh and so did I.
Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

Rachel POV:

After our dramatic lunch, Demi drove Dallas, Maddie and I to the beach. We arrived in one piece, but on the way back I was sure to ask Dianna and Eddie if I could sit in their car. Demi's driving was seriously horrible.

The waves were flowing, not too rapidly, and you could see little children with smiles plastered on their faces playing in the water. It was nice to see. We got a spot close to the water and while Dianna, Eddie, and Dallas set up the beach towels and umbrella, Demi, Maddie and myself ran straight into the water.

We didn't care about what we were wearing and dived in after we removed our footwear. The water was surprisingly not too cold, but warm to some degree. Must've been because of the sun radiating its heat on the water for half of the day. It was nice.

Later on, after she finished setting up, Dallas came in as well. We were splashing each other and laughing like it was our last. Dianna and Eddie were laughing at us and having a good time themselves.

Eventually, though, they dragged us out of the water and we had towels wrapped around us. My dripping butt made its way into Dianna and Eddie's car as I had remembered to politely ask to be in their car. Yes. Demi's driving was truly that treacherous. So horrible that I hesitantly had to ask my parents to sit in their car. I admit, it was awkward, but sooner or later I'll have to warm up to them anyways.

"But you make me wanna act like a girl.

  Paint my nails and wear high heels."

Heart Attack came on loudly as Eddie turned the key to start the ignition. We all cheerfully laughed as Demi's voice came through the speakers.  We all began singing to the tune and imitating her voice. It felt like I was apart of a family.

Laughing and talking our way through the ride, we arrived at my parents' house. Wow. It feels weird but comfortable saying that. I wouldn't be here that much though.  I would mostly be at Demi's place.  But their place wasn't that far away. If anything ever happens or if I feel bored I can always just hop over here to hang out with Maddie. 

You know, when you look past the differences that divided Maddie and I in the beginning, you realize that it's nothing. The differences are obsolete. There are no differences. We're both kids. We're half-sisters, but in essence, sisters. No need for that extra word, we've gone past that. We're just living our lives for the sake of the life we were given by God. 

We reached the house and we all hopped out of the BMW. Demi, Dallas, and Maddie had arrived first and unlocked the door. We all plopped into the couches comfortably.  Maddie and I sat together while we continued a conversation we had started earlier about whether cookies or cupcakes were better. I was rooting for cookies and Maddie was rooting for cupcakes.

"But cookies you can have for breakfast! And they can be healthy too!" I argued.

"Yeah, but cupcakes you can have for breakfast too! Cupcakes can be healthy!" She defended.

"Cut it out you two!", Demi butted in cheerfully.

"Yeah, the clear winner is pie!", Dallas spoke.

Demi and Dallas wandered into the kitchen to get some pie to eat, while Maddie and I moved onto a new conversation about how Demi and Dallas were wrong.

After the pie eating, cupcake eating, and cookie eating, we all sat on the couches playing Apples To Apples.

"Rachel and I should get going, I still have to get her settled in at my place," Demi spoke from the couch beside me.

I wished them all goodbye, but I would be seeing them tomorrow as we were going to play mini golf after Demi's interview with Ellen.

We jumped into the car and as usual, I managed to fall asleep during the 15-minute ride, even though Demi was driving.


I'm back! It's been forever since I've updated but here ya go! A busy schedule has been keeping me from writing, but I'm glad I've gotten this chapter up. 

Thank you for the support, the comments, views, and likes.

It warms my heart, to be honest.

Anyways, I have an English essay to write now. 😂

Thanks for sticking by my side:)

Hopefully, I'll see all of you with a new chapter next week?!?

My DM's are always open if you ever need someone to talk to:)

Stalk Me:

Twitter: @suggxballinger

Instagram: @suggthemonkey

Remember that your beautiful just the way you are, and stay strong.


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