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Rachel POV:

"Cmon! Get up! We have to be at Selena's place in a few!" Demi jolted me awake.

"Okay, okay, just give me a few more minutes" I pleaded with her.

"Be down for breakfast in a few."

I trudged myself out of bed and went to brush my teeth. Next, I queued my upbeat playlist and splashed my face with water.

I haven't met Selena yet, but I'm sure she'll be nice. Right? Otherwise, Demi wouldn't bring me to see her. Right?
So far, all of Demi's family has been nice - minus Maddie in the beginning. But otherwise, everyone's been 100% nice to me. Honestly, its been really nice, and I'm not sure if I'm ready for my bubble to be bursted.

"Cmon Rach! You need to eat breakfast!"

I quickly got ready and got dressed in a white pullover with some black skinny jeans, paired with a grey beanie and black combat boots.

"I'll be down in 5!"
"Breakfast is getting cold!"
"You actually cooked for once?"
"Yes! And the hash browns are actually pretty good!"

As soon as the word "hash brown" was uttered, I was bolting down the stairs.
In the kitchen, there was a large plate of hash browns on the island.

"Dang, Dems! They actually look really good!"

"If I knew hash browns got you bolting that fast I'd make them more often" Demi laughed.

"Eat up", she continued, " We have to leave soon".

I shoved the hash browns into my mouth hastily as Demi grabbed her keys and we headed out the door.

Once we got into the Range Rover, Demi and I made our way to Selena's place. She didn't live too far away from Demi but the traffic was what made the trip longer.

Truthfully, I was still pretty worried about what Selena would think about me, but I was trying to push those thoughts away. I figured that if when I met her it didn't go so well, then I could worry, but for now, I should just keep it positive.

"Can we bring some donuts over to Selena's?" I questioned over the loud blaring music.

"Yeah, we might be cutting it close though, so we'll have to hurry."

Minutes later, we arrived at Dunkin' Donuts to grab a box of donuts to bring over to Selena's.

"Congrats!" I shout sarcastically, "You managed to park in only 3 whole minutes !" I utter out with laughter prominent.
"Haha, very funny," Demi replies while playfully swatting my head.

As soon as we walk into Dunkin's a group of girls approach Demi and start to ask for photos and autographs. I casually distance myself and begin to look at all the donut options.

As much as I know Demi wouldn't mind me being with her and the fangirls, I really didn't want to be in the spotlight yet. I know how fangirls can be protective over Demi, as I am one, and I'm nowhere near ready to get bashed by them. Don't get me wrong, most of them are lovely, but I'm looking at that 1% that are way too protective to the point it gets creepy.

"Those crullers look good, don't they?"
I turn around to see Demi standing behind me.

"Yeah, or that long john with sprinkles"

"I think Sel likes the plain chocolate ones so let's grab a few of those and a few of the plain glazed ones too."

"Can we grab a strawberry one too?"

"Yep, sounds good."


"Hi, we'll get a box of 12- so 4 crullers, 2 plain chocolate, 2 long johns with sprinkles, 1 strawberry jam, and 2 glazed."

"Yep, that'll be $10.05"

As Demi swipes her card, I grab the box from the guy and we leave.

"We're actually making pretty good time."

As we make our 5-second journey to the car, the paparazzi show up.

"Shoot. One of those girls must've posted the photos. Rach put your hood up and sit in the back so they won't see you."

I run to the car and hide in the backseat while Demi deals with the paparazzi.

"Demi, over here!"
"Are you single at the moment?"
"Was that girl with you?"
"What's the kids' name?"
"Who is she?"
"Demi, smile over here!"

Demi POV:

As the men bombard me with questions I tried to keep my composure and slowly make my way towards the car that Rachel had run into.

"You good? Sorry about that, I didn't know that they were going to show up."

"It's fine, it's not like you could've stopped it."

"You will arrive at your destination in 2 minutes" The GPS hollered.

A few turns later and we had arrived at Sel's place. Her place was fairly big and was about the same size as mine. For a while when I was younger I used to crash here a lot after our long movie marathons because I'd be too lazy to drive home. This place holds a lot of memories of our friendship.

As we wait for Selena to open the door, I see Rachel nervously tapping her foot.

"You okay, kiddo? Are you a little nervous?"

As she's about to reply, the door suddenly opens.

"Hey Dems! And you must be the famous Rachel?"

Rachel replies timidly with a nod and a smile.

"She's a little shy at the moment, don't worry, she'll warm up to you," I whisper to Sel.

Sel nods as she leads us into her home.

I decide to head to the washroom so I let Sel know and make my way.
As I turn into the hallway I hear the both of them laughing. That's good, I knew that Rachel would open up, but I just didn't know how long it would take.
Honestly, Selena is like family and Rachel is family too, and I would hate to see people who I both consider as family hate each other. Luckily, it seems like I won't have anything to worry about with those two.



As usual, I've been busy, but I hope you liked the new update.

At this point, I'm not 100% sure where I want this book to go, so if you have any suggestions I'd love for you to pop them down in the comments:)

Thank you as always for being super supportive of me and my writing and for actually reading this mess of a story.

Until next time,

Remember that you're beautiful just the way you are.

Stay Strong. xx


Twitter: @suggxballinger

Instagram: @suggthemonkey

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