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Demi POV:

"Hey... Smile. " I tweeted from my phone. I had yet to head out from my cozy, warm bed to eat breakfast. I didn't have much of a schedule today. Wait. Rachel! That's what I was forgetting. Today, I was heading down to the radio station to see if they would give me any information on Rachel. I know what you'll be saying. Demi is stalking a fan! Oh my gosh!

But somehow, she feels like more than a fan to me. I have some relation with her that I want to grow. Sounds weird, I know. But I want to meet her once more, maybe even smile and laugh with her.

I thought about this while spooning cereal into my mouth. Yum. Honey Bunches of Oats. I got ready for the day, putting on makeup, changing, and taking a shower, all under an hour. I left the house, purse in hand, getting into my car.

Rachel POV:

"Hey... Smile. " I read from my phone. Demi had tweeted. Today was the most dreaded day, well at least for me. This day had crushed my dreams for years. Have you caught on yet? It's adoption day, where you try to impress people countless times, and you're never good enough. Adopted out of pity, adopted by people who want the worst for you. People adopting your friends, and you never see them again.  Overall just a bad day.
Trudging myself out of bed, I went into the bathroom to wash my face, shower, shave, and change. I decided on a My Chemical Romance cropped band tee, that I had gotten from Hot Topic, paired with my black skinny jeans, red plaid, and black converse.  I lightly brushed any tangles out of my hair and sprayed a slight coat of perfume on.  "Good enough", I thought to myself.  This wasn't a beauty pageant, well at least to me.
  The floorboards creaked as I placed my feet on the wood, walking down the old rickety stairs.  Sure enough, the stairs had broken before, and damn was I lucky I wasn't the one who made it break.  Emma, the girl who fell, had gained a nasty cut that day from it. 
  "Shoot" I muttered to myself, trying not to swear after I stepped on a Lego piece.  Ugh.  One of the other kids must've left it there because it for sure wasn't me. 
  Yum, I smelt the aroma of bacon as I walked into the tidy kitchen.  On adoption days we always seemed to have better breakfast.  Maybe it was to uplift our sad spirits about not getting adopted or to make us feel better and stronger.  Who knows. But what I do know is that I get a real good breakfast every week.  Most days, I just stay in my room listening to music.  Or playing the piano or guitar.  Or eating food, or being on electronics.  Basically the life of an average teenager, nothing special over here.
Anna-Marie yelled from the kitchen. "Come help me lay the food out on the table Rachel!"  I got up from the last staircase I was sitting on and starting setting the table.  "At least I don't have to do the dishes", I thought to myself.

Demi POV:
"Her address is 3125 Kent Avenue, Los Angeles." The radio contest coordinator told me.
She did mention she was back in an orphanage.  "Is that address, the address of an orphanage?" I asked back.
"Yea. Today is adoption day. Open to the public. Why are you asking?" She replied.
"No reason. No reason at all", I said with a smirk plastered on my face for a split second.   

"Thank you very much for all your help."

With that, I shook their hands and left, headed back to my car.  I was very lucky the paparazzi hadn't found me yet.
Adoption day, adoption day.  Maybe I could visit Rachel! What time are the hours?
I googled 'Sunnyvale Orphanage Los Angeles' into Google.
The hours were from 10 am to 1 pm.  Right now it was about 9:30 am, so the public wasn't allowed to visit for adoption day.  I decided to head back home, and make the final decision of whether I was going to visit her or not.  Driving always helped me think a bit.  If I did want to go, the orphanage wasn't too far from where I lived.  Only about a 10-minute drive. I had an early breakfast this morning so I decided to snack on something. I knew there was some trail mix left over from a meeting I had at my place a few weeks ago, so I opened the bag and poured some out into a bowl. Yum. I changed into a pair of sweatpants and lounged on the couch. I started to watch the ID channel and got hooked instantaneously. Before I knew it, the clock showed 11 o'clock. I had made up my mind. I was going to visit Rachel. I wasn't really planning on adopting her, but I sort of wanted to sit down and have a little chat. Maybe about how she didn't leave any trace of who she was, or her life. Who knows what we'd get into. What if she completely ignored me or had a breakdown, or slammed the door on me. I could sit for hours thinking about 'if' this could happen or if 'that' could happen. I changed out of the sweatpants into some jeans and got into my automobile. I put in the keys and rolled down the window. While blasting 'Rise Up' by Andra Day, and singing along, I made my way to 'Sunnyvale Orphanage'.
I stepped out and walked inside. There were some couples talking to kids, and saw one in the corner, listening to something.
"Hi! Are you looking to adopt?" Somebody, most likely the caretaker asked.
"No, I am looking for a Rachel? Rachel Eagan? I'm Demi."
"Oh! Rachel? She's right over there!" The caretaker told me while pointing to the girl listening to music.
"I'm Anna-Marie. You seem familiar. Where have I seen you? Oh! Are you the one Rachel has on her walls? Demi Lovato?" Anna asks.
"Most likely yes."
" You can go over there and talk to her all you want. She will be delighted."
I walked over there while I saw Rachel take off her earbuds, starting to stare off into space.
"Hi," I said.

School is busy, but in a month I will be out. I hope that you are enjoying the story:) My dms are always open, so if you ever need advice, I will try my best to help you:)

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Remember that you're beautiful just the way you are. Stay Strong.


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