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Rachel POV:

Ahh, sleep might be my favourite thing in the whole world. Sweet, sweet, sleep. I yawned as I woke up from my peaceful repose. Hah! How funny! That's what you must be thinking. Rachel knows a big word! Fun fact. I do have quite a few big words up my sleeve. That's me for you. Full of surprises. Maybe my last name should be surprises! Rachel Surprises! That would look great on a billboard. Someone should start making the billboards ASAP!

I probably don't sound like myself, at all, today. Maybe it's the fact that I woke up on the right side of the bed. Or maybe it's the fact that I had 8 hours of sleep. Or maybe, it's the fact that I'm going shopping with THE Demi Lovato. Why me out of a sea of 100 people? Hey! That sorta rhymes! Who even am I today.

I pulled on a gray hoodie on top of my black graphic tee, paired with black skinny jeans, and black converse. Voila! My stomach started to grumble as I had yet to eat breakfast. I felt that it was a Cinnamon Toast Crunch kind of day. I haven't had it in a while.

I raced towards the kitchen and grabbed out the miracle worker. Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Minutes later the cereal had been eaten and all that was left was an empty bowl and spoon.

"Ding." My phone went off. It was Demi.

"Will be at your place in an about 5 minutes." She texted.

I slightly fangirled. It wasn't every day that your idol asked you to spend a day with them. There's no way I could fangirl in front of Demi, and I wouldn't let myself. I applied a coat of chapstick onto my lips, and other than that I never really put on makeup. I don't see the point. Yea, maybe if you were going to the Grammys, but if you are going to a mall, or restaurant, who are you trying to impress? They lady who cleans the toilets? I heard a knock on the front door and hung my purse over my shoulder. Inside the purse were my earbuds, phone, and wallet. I listened as I checked over my outfit, and I heard what was most likely Demi's voice downstairs. Anna-Marie had probably let her in, knowing that I would take ages to do it myself.

"Rachel, are you ready? Demi's downstairs." Anna-Marie's booming voice shouted.

" Yea! Just wait a sec." I shouted back. I washed the remnants of the cinnamon cereal off my fingers and headed down the stairs, nearly tripping on the last step.

"No need to rush, we got plenty of time," Demi's familiar voice told me.

I laughed to myself and we headed out the door, saying goodbye to Anna-Marie.

Demi POV:

I picked up Rachel, with a prominent smile on my face. Today was going to be a good day. We walked towards my car, and I was ready to tell her about all the activities I had planned for the day.

She sat in the front seat while I told her what our day plan was.

"We're going to go to the mall now, then we'll eat lunch there and head back towards my place and chill, then you can basically do whatever you want to do".

"Sounds good to me", Rachel replied.

I parked the car, and we walked into Topshop first. I saw Rachel looking at some items, so I went over to where she was.

"Here, just add it to the cart", I said, motioning towards the shirt.

"Nah, it's good." She said back.

"I know you want it."

"It's a bit out of my price range..."

"Come on, let me pay for it," I told Rachel.

"I couldn't let you do that", she told me.

"Please. Just let me pay for it. It's basically nothing for me. I promise", I said attempting to convince her.

"I couldn't".

"Here it goes, in the basket. And you can't get it out because I said so. I'm buying it. That's final." I said while plopping the sweatshirt into the cart.

"Thanks, but you're not buying me any more shirts," Rachel responded.

"Hah.  Okay, then kiddo." I told her.

Throughout our mall trip, Rachel ended up buying a baseball tee, and a black and white cropped ringer tee.  At one point, in Forever 21, I saw her slightly eyeing a tank that read 'Self Confidence Is The Best Outfit', and was burgundy.  I sneaked it into the cart, without her knowing and bought it.  I was going to surprise her with it later.

"I have a surprise for you", I told her. "Close your eyes."

She scrunched her nose up as she closed her eyes.  I laughed to myself about how cute she was.

I placed the tank top in her hands that were held out.  "Open."

She looked at me, then back down at the shirt.  "Thank you", she kept telling me in between hugs.

"I promise you, it was really nothing.  Besides if we keep hanging out, I'm going to buy you a lot more stuff." I told her.

"Maybe then I won't hang out with you", Rachel smirked as she replied.

"You know you love me.  You can't resist me." I fired back.

"Yea, Yea, Dems", she said while smiling.


Was going to make this chapter longer, but it's basically the end of Sunday, and I have yet to update.  This weekend has been busy and I have graduation on Wednesday, so this week is planning and getting ready for grad.  Even though it's only elementary they make it a huge deal.  Hopefully, I'll get an update up next week, but for today, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!

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Remember that you're beautiful just the way you are. Stay Strong.


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