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-Semi-important A/N at the end of the chapter. But without further ado, chapter 17.-

Rachel POV:

       Demi woke me up in the car and as soon as the key went into the lock on the door, we rushed to start unpacking my stuff. I only had 1 suitcase and 1 backpack anyways, so it would be easy to unpack. We reached a door I hadn't seen before, and I was astonished when she opened the door.
       The room was a lovely light icy blue, with a chalkboard wall on one side, a massive mount of fairy lights, and some really cool beanbags that were on one side of the bed. I couldn't believe it! I was speechless. And I'm never speechless. I'm like a motorboat. I just keep talking and talking. See? Look at me going right now. No one had ever done so much for me. Yeah sure, some foster families gave me decor to put in my room and stuff, but this was on a different level. I hugged Demi, amazed. I profusely thanked her, while tearing up. Never had anyone cared enough to do something like this for me.
       After I calmed my tits down, we started to unpack. It was fairly easy to do, and 10 minutes in we were already finishing up with my clothes. All of my clothes were folded nicely into the large closet that was in the corner of the room. Did I mention the closet? It's extremely gigantic, and my clothes take up about 1% of the space. If not, less.
       "You know we're going to have to get you some new clothes. Right?" Demi stated.
"Nah, you don't have to do that. I'm fine with the amount I have. Trust me," I replied.
     " Nope, kiddo. You have more than enough space in your closet, and I have more than enough money in my wallet. Trust me," she winked at me.
Damnit, she stole my highly persuasive and catchy ending to persuade me.
"Trust me", I started my to-be extremely long speech. But Demi cut me off.
"I am more than willing to buy clothes for you. It would make me happy. Okay?"
       She won me over with the damn puppy face. I didn't think she would go that low. The puppy face always wins me over. No matter who does it. It's my weak spot. Puppy faces and tickles. Kill me; I have a soft spot. So someone tickling me while giving me the puppy dog face? I'll pretty much cave in and do whatever they want.
        We raced down the stairs to the television after we unpacked my stuff.
"First one to the t.v. gets to pick out the show!" Demi yelled out. I'm pretty sure people in Antarctica heard it.
I raced down the stairs faster than her and beat her. " Ha! In your face!  Now we get to watch what I pick!" A sly grin appeared across my face.
      "This is real. This is me. I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be." Demi's younger-self belted from the television screen. Yes, I picked Camp Rock. And yes, I'm enjoying it. Pretty thoroughly actually. Hey, don't hate. It's catchy.

Demi POV:

      Out of all the movies or t.v. shows Rachel could've picked, she picked Camp Rock. Of course. Honestly, I was in a bad place in my life at the time and put on a facade for most of the time I was on Camp Rock. I wouldn't have imagined myself watching it again. But seeing Rachel happy made me happy. Soon, I started to get into it and sang along. I started imaging Mitchie as Mitchie and not me. I was dancing along and we were both having loads of fun.

      " Ding dong", the doorbell rang. 

       "That must be the pizza," I called out. " I'll get the money and you answer the door, " I told Rachel. I got the $25 I needed from my wallet and headed towards the door. Rachel was making small conversation with the guy while they waited for me to retrieve the money. " It'll be $19.76," the guy said in a monotone. " Keep the change", I said as I handed him the 25 dollars. He looked up and stared at me for a minute. "Are you famous or something? I feel like I recognize you from somewhere," he asked.
        Rachel quickly jumped in. "She's on a French soap opera called 'C'est La Vie. It's very popular in France," she bluffed. "Oui," I replied in a horrible French accent. He seemed to buy it. " Oh yeah. It's on the French language channel. Right?" He questioned. Rachel struggled to contain her laughs about the fact that he was bluffing, and that there was no actual show called 'C'est La Vie'. "Yeah, channel 234, you can watch Tuesdays at 6 pm", I added. "My sister loves the show. I can't seem to remember your name on the show though," he pondered. "It's Vanessa! Ain't it?" he asked, in hopes he was right. " Ooh. So close!", Rachel said while laughing. "It's Veronica ", I finished. " I was close! Anyways, enjoy your night, and enjoy your pizza." He walked away from the door and winked. We immediately started laughing, unable to control our laughter as we closed the door.
"He made that all up!! Just to try to impress you! Maybe we should watch 'C'est La Vie'! ", Rachel said, in between laughs. " Maybe you should've taken him to a red carpet in France!" She continued, " He seemed to really want you to be his girlfriend !"

We spent the rest of the night watching countless movies and eating the delicious pizza. By midnight, we had finished watching Camp Rock, Camp Rock 2, Bolt, and the Hannah Montana movie. It was honestly just a throwback night.
    Currently, Rachel laid sprawled out on the couch, with her head on my lap. She was tired, that's for sure. I poked her in the arm to see if she was a deep sleeper. Looks like it. Yup!  Not a single twitch. I expertly attempted to carry her up the stairs quietly and quickly, but the floorboards were magically creaking. Maybe I'm just imagining it? I've never heard any of those steps creak in my life.
    With Rachel all tucked up in bed, I headed to my room. I changed into my pajamas, did my face routine, and brushed my teeth. I tucked myself in bed, knowing that I was only going to get about 6 hours of sleep- if I was lucky, before I had to wake up and get ready for Ellen. Rachel wouldn't be too happy about waking up at seven. She didn't seem like a morning person. Maybe she is a morning person,  I don't know. I'm just judging off of the fact she basically falls asleep anywhere and everywhere.

Hey! I'm back! I was never 'away', I was always here. Reading your comments, the comments that brighten up my day. I truly appreciate them. I also appreciate that you guys understand that I'm extremely busy right now. I'm on the basketball team, and with hard-ass teachers piling homework up, I don't have much free time. I may or may not even have, just to write this chapter, put a very important project on hold. But, hey! It's only due in 2 days;) In other words, I'm screwed.
   Thanks for sticking by my side. I immensely appreciate it.
   Leave some comments about what you want to see in the upcoming chapters? Also give this chapter a vote while you're at it:)) 
Thanks as always.
Remember you're beautiful just the way you are. My dms are always open. Come talk to me! Stay strong.xx


Twitter: @suggxballinger

Instagram: @suggthemonkey

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