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Rachel POV:

"Here's a hot chocolate for you."

Maddie had gone on a Starbucks run and grabbed us some drinks before coming over.

Today, Demi and I decided on just having a chill day because we were both tired after the long week.

It was going to be just Demi, Maddie, myself, the blankets, and the TV. To be honest, I'd been craving a lazy day, and to hear that nobody was going to bother us was music to my ears.

To start off the morning right, we were going to binge watch on the crime and investigation channel, and slowly move our way towards the old Disney shows.


Maddie and I were shouting so loud that I'm sure the penguins in Antarctica could hear us.


Demi was visibly cringing as our voices made their way to her ears.

Maddie and I turned to look at each other and we bursted out in laughter. We looked so stupid running around shouting at the top of our lungs.

Maddie POV:

"I'm hungry", I voiced to Demi and Rachel.

  "Does pizza sound good?"  

"Yep! What type do we want?"

  "Lets have pepperoni!" Rachel shouted.  

"Nah! I want Hawaiian!" I voiced back.

  "It's settled. Demi interfered, "We're getting deluxe."  

"Eh, that's fine"

  "That works!"  

As Demi went to phone the pizza place up, Rachel and I started to devise a plan to prank her. We didn't have a lot of supplies, but sometimes you just gotta work with what you got.

Us being us, we decided to go for the classic water over the door prank. Neither of us had ever done it before, but we'd seen it being done in movies and television shows.

"Let's divide and conquer"

"I'll get the bucket and fill it with water"

"I'll grab the string and tape"

I ran into the washroom and found a small bin holding makeup in the cupboard. I poured the contents out, and filled it up with water as silently as I could.

I ran into Demi's room and scream shouted for Rachel.

"Rachel! Let's do it in here!"

Rachel came running in with the tape and string. It seems as Demi had finished ordering and decided to start watching the ID channel.

We got to work and quickly finished without Demi hearing.

"Demi!" I screamed, "Come here! You gotta see this!"

We got the door into position as soon as we heard her lift her body off of the couch.

"Where are you guys?" Demi questioned.

"We're in your room! Come! Hurry!" Rachel replied.

As Demi opened the door, the bucket teetered and finally fell, but only hit half of her body. The rest fell to the floor with a resounding splash.


Rachel and I burst out into laughter.

A chiming echo rang throughout the house.

"Looks like the pizza is here", Rachel stated.

Demi looked at us with a playful glare as she begrudgingly made her way towards the door.

With her wet hair and soggy clothes she opened the door and Rachel and hide somewhere where the pizza delivery guy won't be able to see us.

"That'll be $20.05", the guy states in a monotone before looking up. "Holy crap! You're Demi Lovato!"

"Sorry I'm not Demi, I'm Elena. Who is this Demi Lovato?"

Well, I guess it's time for Rachel and I to make a big entrance.

"Elena!" I shout, "I thought you stopped showering in your clothes!"

"Didn't we tell you it was weird?" Rachel backs me up.

The delivery guy looks confused but starts cracking up. Demi just glares at us before handing the guy some bills and telling him to keep the change.

As soon as the door closes, we burst out into another round of laughter.

"He looked so confused!"

"As much as I want to yell at y'all , I kinda want to applaud y'all for the amazing execution!" Demi chuckles it off.

Rachel POV:


"That seems pretty cool"

"Yeah, I love travelling"

"So do I"

"I'm only in L.A. for a few more days, you know"

"You don't live here?"

"Half the time I live with my mom, and half the time I live with my dad in Florida."

"Do you like Florida or L.A. better?"

"L.A. , now that you're here, and since you're here, do you wanna hook up before I leave?"

"You're disgusting. Have fun in Florida far away from me."

I hit the block button, turned off my screen, and threw my phone onto my bed.  A slight bang could be heard against the wall but I couldn't care less right now.

The fact that Ashton just wanted me for sex infuriates me. Honestly, I'm more than happy that he's gonna be in Florida with his father. People like him kill me and I don't understand how there are people like that in the world. They lead you on, and then they just want you to satisfy their sexual needs.

"Kid, you good in there?" Demi comes through my door.

"Mhmm" I reply, choking back on some tears.

Demi sits down beside me and begins to console me.

"Boys are stupid"

"Yeah, that's just how life is"

"Well, life sucks"

"Trust me, I know"

"Ashton, that boy from the other day only wanted sex" I admit.

Demi wraps her arms around me and envelopes me in her arms. We sit there, just hugging in the silence for a few minutes.

"I'm sorry that he was such a douche bag, kiddo."

"It's fine" I mumble. "Can you stay with me tonight?"

"Of course. We got a big day tomorrow kiddo."

We both lay down and I contently fall into a peaceful slumber.

Boys will be boys.


It's been a long time since I've updated and I just kinda fell into a writers block. Ahah. Anyways, if you're reading this, thanks for sticking by my side and reading this random mess of a book. Christmas is coming in a few weeks, so no promises, but I'll try to get a chapter up when that time comes around.

I hope that you're having an amazing day wherever you are!

Remember that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL and that YOU ARE STRONG. xx


If you ever need someone to talk to, my DMs are always open!

Twitter : @suggxballinger
Instagram:  @suggthemonkey

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