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Demi POV:

My parents, are Rachel's parents? How could this have happened? Maddie and Rachel are 3 years apart. But Patrick is the father. How would this even be possible? I quickly thanked Anna-Marie and rushed to get on the phone with my mother. Who was somehow also Rachel's mother?

Dialing viciously, I rang my mom's number.

"Hi sweetie, how's your day going?" She asked.

"Fine. But how could you hide it from me all this time?" I questioned.

"Hide what?" She responded.

"That I have another sister and her name is Rachel", I fired back.

"I can't do this over the phone. Come over right now, and I'll explain it all." She concluded.

"You better not leave out a single detail", I say angrily hanging up.

I furiously drove to my parent's place and stood on the doorstep anxiously.

What were they going to tell me that had to be hidden for 12 years?

My mom opened the door and led me towards the couches. My mom and dad sat on one couch, while I sat across on the other couch.

"I know you want to hear the truth, so listen. When you were 12, I was pregnant with Rachel. I kept it quite hidden. I had had a couple of drinks, and so had Patrick. I ended up having an affair with him, and yes, Eddie did know. This isn't the first time he has heard of this. You see, Eddie tried to convince me to keep Rachel, but I ended up not keeping Rachel for ourselves. We gave her up to adoption days after she was born. Now it's my turn to ask questions. How did you find out about Rachel?" She stated.

"You see, it's a long story actually, but I'll make it short. She entered a submission for a radio contest to meet me, and I ended up picking her. I met her, then went to the orphanage, basically chasing after her. We bonded, and today, I almost adopted her, until I saw her birth certificate, stating that you and Patrick were her birth parents."

"I have a sister! And she doesn't even know that I'm her sister! I almost ended up being her mother! My sister's mother!" I screamed.

"And I'm telling Rachel tomorrow! Whether you like it or not!" I finished.

"I didn't want to give her up either! But I wanted the best for her. At that time you were finishing Barney, and your career was taking off. I was thinking about the bigger picture, the side, that if your career took off, that maybe it would've been better if she was out of the spotlight, and out of the paparazzi's view."

"If you're up for it, bring Rachel over tomorrow. I'll make sure the rest of the family is home, and you can invite her in. You know, I wasn't planning on leaving her stranded with no idea who her birth parents were. At the age of 15, if she wasn't adopted by then, I was planning on telling her. I'm not always trying to be the bad guy Demi," my mom yelled out.

I left, storming out of the house, slamming the door behind myself.

I needed some time alone, to process all of this.

My mother had an affair with her ex.

I headed towards a secluded park, where I was sure I wouldn't get bombarded with fans. I sat underneath a tree and let the tears flow freely. How could my life get so messed up? I was about to be the mother of my sister for goodness sake!

Now, how would I tell Rachel all of this? I could barely fathom it right now, in this state of mind. How would she take all this information? But I should be glad. I should be looking at the other side of things. That Rachel has found her family, and I'm a part of it. She just doesn't know it yet, but she will soon. I wouldn't want to go up to her and pretend like I never saw that birth certificate, and pretend that I'm not her sister. I would just end up being the criminal.

Screw it. I would tell Rachel tomorrow and see the reaction myself. I don't need to think about 'what' she is going to say, or 'how' she is going to react. All I need to do is take the information, present the information, and see the reaction.

I stood up from the place I sat just moments ago. I drove back to my place, parked and got settled in for the night.

The most important thing about tomorrow is how I would execute all of this.

The key to all of this was execution.


How will this get executed?:)

Shorter update, but still jam packed.

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Remember that you're beautiful just the way you are. Stay Strong.


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