Chapter 6: Time to Enroll

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                                                            Chapter 6: Time to Enroll

     I wake up to the sound of banging, well its knocking but it sure as hell sounds like banging. I look at my watch 6:30. What kind of person wakes up at the crack of jack? I roll out of bed and open the door only to find Norma in her pajamas. For a minute im scared all of these questions race through my mind. Whats wrong? Is there trouble? Are the boys okay? Wait what? Since when I start caring about them?

"What is it," is all I can manage to say. Norma holds up a notebook in my face.

"Uh what is this," I say while grabbing the notebook. "This is your task book, well to put it more bluntly your chore book. By the end of each day you will bring it to me or Norman and I will give you new chores the next morning." Then she walks away. I step outside, damn its cold.

"So you woke me up at 6 in the morning just to tell me this? This couldn't wait at least an hour later?"

She turns around," Yes and no," then she continues here way up the steps to her haunted looking house.

Well okay then. I walk back into my room and shut the door. I open my 'chore book' and see what Im assigned to do.

TO DO: file the office room(oldest to newest dates), clean all the rooms spotless( meaning wiping down windows, dusting, cleaning the toilets, tubs, mirrors, TVs,),enroll in school. Bring this list back by 8 o'clock tonight. Everything is to be done!

Everything else I have no problem with its the last one that pisses me off. Who is she to tell me to enroll into school? She's is for sure not my mother just my employer! I storm out of my bedroom with no shoes on. Why, I don't know Im not thinking straight. And march straight up to the house. I see Norma walking in the house about to close the door. I sprint up the steps and put my hand on the door preventing her from closing it.

"Excuse me young lady that is no way to treat your boss!"

"Whatever, I have a problem with the last task on the list," I open the notebook and shove it in her hands. She looks at it and then back at me ," And your point is?" She says.

"I don't need you tellin me what to do when it comes to being outside this place." She rolls her eyes and closes the book.

"Sweetie I know you don't go to school. And yes Norman did tell me in case you were wondering. It would look bad if someone found out you were Normans age and not be in school . It looks like I promote teen drop outs and that would look bad for my business," she tightens her robe.

"I dont give a shit about your business Im here to work not for you to control my life," I snatch the book out of her hands. Her face twists making it look like she just ate something sour.

"Oh yes you will because if I dont get business then I dont get money to make a living. And if I cant make a living I sure as hell will not let you stay in that room for free working for me. You are using water, electricity, and taking up a whole room someone can be using. So you will give a shit!," Norma leans in closer getting in my face. I am so tempted to punch her right now. I clench my fists, my nails are digging into my hands. They start to feel wet. Damn it! I think I re-opened my cuts and now Im staring to bleed again.

We stare at each other with intensity. Without saying another word I walk back to my room and slam the door shut. I throw her stupid chore book across the room and pace back and forth. A sudden sting in my hands cause me to stop and look at them. Great the gauze is completely soaked in blood. I need new ones now, but I don't have any. I am not going back up to that house to ask for something. Whatever Ill just live with it. If I'm going to enroll in school today I might as well get ready and start my list early.

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