Chapter 11: Secret Second Job

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                                                     Chapter 11: Secret Second Job

I don't know what I was thinking when I jumped into Remo's truck. We've been driving for an hour and he still hasn't told me where we're going. I almost regret doing this. For all I know he could be a prostitution abductor or something. It's too late to back out now. We pull up to a dirt path that goes up to a warehouse. Remo stops his truck, that looks a lot like Dylan's, and gets out.

I hesitate for a moment not sure if I should follow him. Remo turns around and looks at me with raised eye brows," Well lets go," he shouts. I get out of the truck and adjust my jacket because it's cold. He turns around and we walk along side of the warehouse until we reach a door with a head light above it.

Remo bangs on the door," open the door!" For a minute there was silence then someone opens the door.

"Whats the magic word?" The man says.

"Very funny now move," Remo tries to push past the large man, but he stops Remo and looks at me.

"Who's this? You know Gil hates it when you bring girls here."

"Relax she's here to work now move." The large man takes one last look at me and steps aside. Remo walks inside and I follow after him. I look around expecting to see girls in cages for some reason, but instead I see rows of lights that has green plants below them and I automatically know what kind of job this is. This is a weed operation. A rush of relief flows through me because I didn't sign up for a prostitution job, but anxiety quickly takes over because I know this is a dangerous job.

Even knowing about this could get a person killed and it looks like I was just added on to that list. Remo leads me into a small area in the warehouse and stands infront of a man that looks to be in his fifties. He looks at Remo with a frown and then at me with a smile.

"So it looks like you brought in a newbie. My names Gil and I expect you to be trustworthy and do as you are told. No questions are to be asked and this thing is to remain a secret tell no one. If you do you will be dealt with. Understood?" Gil says while still staring at me, he makes me nervous. I have to show that I am not afraid and I am trustful. If I don't then I wont get paid and that's what Im here for.

"Okay no problem. What am I supposed to be doing exactly," I say with confidence.

"All you have to do is stand there and look pretty," Remo says while looking at me. Gil gives Remo a disapproving look, then he quickly smiles while looking back and forth at us.

"As a matter of fact you will replacing Remo and will be working with Remo's partner. He is going to teach you everything that goes on around here and he will tell you what to do."

"No Gil that's not going to work I-,"

"Remo I have other work that I need you to do that is outside of town for awhile. Don't go against my word, remember what happened last time?" Gil's good side was clouded over with anger and frustration. His subtle but threating words sent a shiver through me. Remo is silent and his cool façade faded away and was taken over with fear. Remo looks at me in frustration, rolls his eyes, and walks away. Not wanting to be alone with Gil I follow him out the door leading to the outside.

Remo is pacing back and forth with his hands in his gray hair," Great, just great now I have to babysit another newbie."

"Well you shouldn't have ran you're big mouth then," I said but I immediently regretted that. Remo looks at me with stone cold eyes and walks up to me and slams me into the warehouse wall with his hand around my throught. Flashes of what happened when I first came to this crazed town flashed before me. Images of the men holding me down and pulling my shirt up flash in front of me. My instincts kick in and I bring up both my arms and slam my elbows down on his forearms causing him to let go and then I kicked him in the groin.

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