Chapter 15:The Harsh Truth

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                                                      Chapter 15: The Harsh Truth

Why do I have a file in Jerry, my ex-fathers, old office? I stand there staring at the barley legible name written on the crinkled folder. I slowly take it out and open it. The fold looks worn out like it's been opened and closed a million times. I see pictures of me of when I was a child. One from where I was a baby with chocolate cake covering my face while I smile with joy. Another of me when I was ten and I lost my baby tooth with tears streaming down my face because of the bloody tooth in my hand.

I shuffle through the pictures and see letters with my mothers perfect cursive written on them. There is a thick stack of them with dates written on them, she's been writing to this bastard all my life. These letters date back from before I was even born up until a few months ago. I pick a random letter and read.

Dear Jerry,

Mel just turned nine today! I cant believe that it's been nine years since I had her. Thank you for the money that you've been sending, but I would love nothing more than for you to make a appearance and see you're daughter. She knows the man that we live with is not her father, the way he treats us is horrible. I have to have him take out his anger on me instead of Mel because she doesn't deserve this. Please come get us. Ever since you-

I stop reading. That son of a bitch! He knew how my step father treated us it even says it in the damn letter. Yet he still continued to ignore my mothers pleading letters and yet he still kept my pictures. That bastard had no right in keeping these letters and pictures. He had no right in keeping something that he willingly gave up for another family.

My hands start to shake in anger and I drop the file on the floor. "Hey you okay," Dylan asks looking up from the worn out desk.

"Yea I'm fine," I say over my shoulder. I gather the papers and pictures with shaky hands and ruffle them back into the worn out file. One letter catches my eye, the date is six months ago. She was still writing to him?

Dear Jerry,

It's getting worse. Now that Melissa is getting older her step father is starting to see that she doesn't resemble him at all. Every night he comes home smelling like beer and always walks by her room staring into it for what seems like hours. The way he looks at her Jerry is not a way that a man his age looks at a girl her age. I try to keep them apart and him distracted so he doesn't do anything to her, but it's getting harder. Please I'm sorry to say, but the money is not enough anymore, it never was. Please come get us from place so we can go and be a family like you said to me the day she was born. Please Jerry I'm tired of waiting, please come get us.

                                                                                                                   With all my love, Isabelle

A knot forms in my throat as I try to choke back the tears. She begged for him to come back, he fed her bullshit and lied to her giving her false hope. She told him how bad it was, he knew what my step-father wanted to do to me and yet he still never came. That sack of shit had no right to make a file and keep every single thing that my mother sent him out of love for me and him.

"Lets go," I feel a hand on my shoulder and jump. "you find something interesting?" Dylan says as he peeks over my shoulder. I put the file back in the filing cabinet and shut it.

"No not really lets go," I say while choking back the rapidly building tears. Dylan walks out the door and I quickly open the filing cabinet, take my file, and shove it in my bag. I follow Dylan leaving my heartless of fathers former office.

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