Chapter 8: Let me in

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                                                  Chapter 8: Let me in

My real father is dead, not just dead but murdered. My last living family member is gone, never to return. I didn't even get a chance to meet him. Even if I did I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't be pleased with what I have become. I really have lost everything. Even though I only seen him in pictures and heard some stories about him I felt some sort of connection towards him. Wait if he was mine and Bradley's dad then that must mean we're sisters. Oh my god......I met my sister without even knowing it. Does she know? Fuck no she doesn't otherwise she would have told me or not even come talk to me.

I feel as if someone has punched me in the stomach and squeezed my lungs closed preventing me to breath. I grab a hold of the desk to keep myself balanced, hearing this makes me dizzy for some reason. I know why its because I just found out that my father was murdered and I have a sister. Wait a second, So he has a family here too?!

He left my mother for another woman and made a family with her?! He never bothered to call me or send me shitty birthday cards but he could spent all his time with Bradley and yet shes troubled?! All he did was send money without any note like we were an annoying monthly payment that he needed to get off his back. Just when things were starting to feel normal enough for me to move on this shit happens. Its like something is watching me and is enjoying my misery.

"Melissa are you okay?" I see Normans face start to slowly fade away.

"Excuse me miss are you okay?" Who was that? I blink my eyes and see that its dark out. I am at a dock standing so close to the edge that even if a strong wind comes I can just as easily fall in the water. How did I get here I didn't even know where the dock was?! My heart beat quickens and my breathing becomes shaky and erratic. What have I been doing all this time? How did I get here?!

"Miss its late you should go home. Its not safe for you to be out here alone at this time of night," I turn around and see a cop. Time....what time is it?!

"What time is it," I say it so fast the I couldn't understand what I just said. The cop looks at his watch," Its almost 1 in the morning. Are you any trouble you look a little worried." I don't know if I am in trouble and I definitely don't want a ride home from him. Its people like him that I've been trying to avoid. I have to lie.

I step away from the edge of the dock,"  Oh no I'm fine, I was just uh...well I was just hanging out with some friends and I didn't realize it got so late."

He looks around," I don't see anyone else out here but you."

"I left them awhile ago I'm on my way home right now , I just wanted to stop by here real fast. I uh like the scenery," I put on a fake smile and put my hands behind my back. They've shaking non-stop and I don't want him to see.

"You like the scenery of the ocean when there's no light."

"Yea I do. Its calming," he looks at me up and down. He knows I'm lying.

"Look I don't know what you're doing out here and I'm just gonna pretend like I didn't see you. Just go home I better not catch you out here this late at night again. Its past curfew," he steps aside," now go home." I take up his offer and walk straight past him not wanting to be near him anymore.

I walk down what looks like to be main street and see a phone booth. I run up to it and get inside, I take the phone off the receiver and check in my pockets for change. I feel around and I pull out three quarters. Thank you lose change! I stop myself right when I'm about to put the change in the slot. Who am I going to call. I don't know anybody's number, not even the motels.

I put the phone back on the receiver and sit down on the ground of the phone booth. How did I get out here? The last thing I remember Norman telling me that my father is dead. I remember feeling sad, angry, and frustrated. I hug my knees to my chest. I don't know if I should cry or not. Do I have the right to? Am I supposed to mourn for a person that I never really knew?

The door to the phone booth fly's open and I jump. "There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Its Dylan, he sounds frustrated, but his eyes say something different, his gray eyes are covered with worry and relief. A part of me feels happy because I am no longer alone for the moment. The other part wants him not to be here and wants to be alone. He takes my arm and lifts me up.

"Lets go," he opens his truck door and I get in. Dylan closes the door and runs to the other side of the truck and gets in and starts the engine.

"Were are we going," I ask.

"Were going back to the motel," he stares at the road. I don't look at him and he doesn't look at me, both of us stare at the road like its the most interesting thing in the world. I don't say anything, my breathing and my hands are a little shaky still. I try to focus on calming myself down. For the rest of the drive we are both silent.

We pull up to the motel and Dylan turns his truck off. We still say nothing, I see my room. I want to go inside and never come out until I forget about everything. That's all I've been doing for the past two months is forgetting, but I can never forget. I want to escape this pain and guilt. It keeps getting piled on, I dont know how much more I can take before the pile topples over and I snap.

I reach for the door handle but it locks on me. I turn and see Dylan is still looking forward but his finger is on the lock button.

"Let me out please," I say monotoned.

"Not after you tell me why you disappeared for the entire day," his voice is stern and full of authority.

"I really don't want to talk about it now please let me out," I sound so weak.

"No." He looks at me with desperation," I have been worried sick all day! I come home to find out that you run  off without saying a word, do you have any idea how worried I was? What if those guys that almost rapped you saw you and wanted to finish what they started and I wasn't there to stop it?!" He screams so hard that his face turns red. Why is he so worried about me and that happened two wait no as of today three weeks ago.

"You don't get to leave for two weeks and come back demanding answers. Don't you get the message? I don't want you to worry about me! Stop taking care of me and trying to help me, youre only making things worse! Leave me alone!"

I lean over him and unlock the doors to his truck. I open my door and run  to my room. I try to open the door, but its locked. I walk into the office and grab my key out of the drawer. I look up an see Dylan getting out of his truck slamming his door.

"Oh no you don't," he runs up to me," you are not pushing me away again!" I try walking out of the office, but Dylan steps in front of the doorway blocking me.

"Leave me alone," I scream.

" I wont," his eyes are burning into mine never breaking. He steps forward and I step back. " I will not let you shut me out again! I care about you weather you like it or not! Its what people do Melissa they look out for each other and help each other out no matter what!" Dylan backs me up against the wall  using his height as an advantage and looks down on me.

"I don't care if you killed someone we've all had to do things that we are not proud of. I know, I know what its like and it doesn't feel good," Dylan's anger diminishes and desperation takes over. I cant take this anymore this is too much at once. The tears are coming. I try to push past him so he wont see me cry. Dylan grabs both my arms to hold me in place and pins me up against the wall. He looks at me with his beautiful grey eyes.

"Let me go!" I hit his chest over and over letting it all out. My pain, anger, sadness, I let it all out and hit him over and over. He stands there taking all of my shoving and punching. He tightens his grip and brings me closer into a hug. I struggle harder to resist him, but he holds on tighter not letting me go.

"Let it out and let me in," he calmly whispers. I break and give in. I let my tears fall and cry. Dylan holds me tighter and I hold onto him.

*Sorry this one is not that long as my usual updates. I just wanted to get one up for today. I might not update tomorrow because I have school literally all day. But Friday for sure I will be posting and it will be long!* 


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