Chapter 17: Tutor Guide

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          Chapter 17: Tutor Guide

-Melissa's POV-

Kill me, just kill me now and spare me the embarassment I am about to give. There are over twenty pair of teen eyes that are waiting for me to fail miserably. Why do we even have give speeches about what we know? That's what tests are for. If anything speeches are what lowers a kids self confidence because of pressure that we and the teachers put ourselves through. It should be a choice whether or not we make a fool of our selves infront of people, not forced.

"The Great Gatsby was a book that described the 1920's perfectly. The image of parties and having a good time was all that seemed to matter. There was a thin line between rich and poor, there was no in between middle class," I started off.

How am I supposed to give a speech about a book that I never cracked open? All I did was watch the movie and I'm relying on what was in the movie to be just as the same as the book. I know I'm lazy, but I'm not going to be some fake poetic bullshit of a writer.

If you ask me people who are so called 'deep thinkers' are people who don't have a grip on life and just say shit they read on the internet that sounds deep. It's an excuse for them to party and never hold a job for longer than a few months. My palms are beginning to sweat and my knees begin to shake. I try to stop the visible shaking by shifting my weight from on foot to another, but it only indicates my lack of self-confidence even more.

I take in a deep breath and try to continue. "Jay Gatsby was rich and was known for his parties, Nick was a poor man that was Gatsby's neighbor. Gatsby befriends Nick because Nick's Cousin is Daisy, the woman he's head over heals in love with. He then accomplishes his goal and an affair was created. Gatsby wins his fight for Daisy, but he didn't win the war for her heart."

I have no clue what to say next, this speech is straight coming from my ass. I have no idea what I am talking about and I'm pretty sure you can see it. If you cant then you need glasses. Everyone gives me blank stares while Mr.Bryan, my English teacher, is giving me an amused look.He's probably laughing at me on the inside for what an idiot I must look and sound like.

I pause, trying to think of more things to say that make similar sense but I'm drawing blanks. Mr. Bryan smiles and glares at me. "Is there anything else," Mr. Bryan says. I try to think back to the movie, but I cant remember anything else. If I was by myself I would probably remember some things and probably made a decent speech, but I cant. Not with freaking whole audience staring at me.

"Nope thats about it," I say. Theres no point in continuing my humilation.

"Is that really it?" He pushes on.

"Yea, it is," I sit down and pull my hood over my head to shelter me from the burning stares. The bell rings and everyone puts there things in there bags in a hurry and rushes out of the class room. I close my binder and sling my bag over my shoulder.

"Melissa can you stay a few minutes," Mr. Bryan says before I leave the room.

"I'm gonna be late and you have a class, so bye."

"It's my free period and we both know that you dont care about being late, so sit." Mr. Bryan was known to be the cool young 22 year old teacher of the school that everyone loves. Especially the girls, they flirt with him and expose there chests around him all the time. It makes me sick and annoyed. They show that teahcer student love affair shit all the time on T.V now, so they think that they have a chance. Little do they know that stuff only works in movies not real life.

I roll my eyes and let out an exaggerated sigh and sat on the desk. "What do you want?"

"How are you adjusting to the school? You like it here so far," he asks.

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