Chapter 23: Sleep, Wake Up

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Chapter 23: Sleep, Wake Up

"Was Daisy a manipulative person or not," I ask Nate who is currently building a fort out of the books he's supposed to have open. "Uh...don't know," he said while placing another book onto the fort.

"Well know harder, I can't afford to get fired," I take the book from the bottem of the pile and the whole thing collapses. "Now I gotta start all over again," Nate complains as he places the books back into yet another fort. I again knock that over too. 

It's been two hours and I have made no progress with this idiot. First he didn't want to start the tutoring session at the motel because he said he's there all the time. Then we go to a library and he said it's too quiet, now were at some sort of cafe and he doesn't want to do anything but build stupid forts made out of literature and eat pie. My patience for this guy is running really thin.

"Oh no you don't. We have been to three different locations and we finally get to the one you like and you're acting like such a child. Pick up a book, open it, and read." He picks up the great gatsby opens it and stares at the pages intensivly. A few seconds pass and I notice his eyes aren't moving side to side like they should be.

"You're not ready are you," I ask. "Nope," he says while still staring at the page and popping the 'p'. 

"UGH!" I throw my hands up in defeat," I give up." I rest my head on the tabel and shut my eyes. I don't need this right now or at all. If I would have just given a better speech none of this would be happening. No, if I never signed up for school this wouldn't be happening, but if I didn't I would still be on the streets because I wouldn't have a job. Whatever, still better than tutoring this fool.

"Don't give up buttercup," he jokes. I lift my head and rest it on my chin,"What?" He lowers his head and mimmicks me, "How about watch the movie instead of reading the stupid book." Is he stupid? The movies are almost never the same as the book. They always cut out or add shit which butchers the original. Whatever I'm done debating with this idiot.

"Fine do whatever you want. But I dont see how the movie would help you, I mean considering that you have to write an essay and put quotes and book page numbers in the essay so, yea go ahead."  

His shoulders slump and scruches his face," Ugh I hate essays!"

"Now you see why you need to read the book and not watch the movie," I smile at his idiocy. I sit up and strecth my back and arms. Sitting down for long periods of time makes you statue like. I let out a big yawn and look at my watch, 4:30 P.M. Time to get back to the motel. Before we left I asked Emma to cover for me for a few hours, considering she left me for two months leaving me all the work. 

Even though I totally forgot that she worked there and did all the work I'm still a little peeved that I was carrying a two person job. "C'mon idiot boy, I gotta get back to the motel so drive me," I demand. I start to gather my textbooks and glance at Nate who is still looking at the page's.

"You don't have keep prentending anymore," I zip my bag and sling it over my shoulder waiting for him.

"I did'nt know Daisy had a daughter," he breaths.

"Yea, she's barely mentioned in the book," I say. He looks up confusion in his eyes, "Why?" 

"Daisy has fun with Gatsby and completly ignores her, she's only mentioned like a couple times in the book."

"So basically Daisy is nothing but a whore who worries of only herself and no one else," he says in a deep and dark tone. Nates grip on the book tightens while he swallows what seems to be a giant lump in his throat down. Something about this book is upsetting him, maybe I'm just over thinking things. He doesn't even know good literature if it had a flashing sign on it saying first place.

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