Chapter 19: My Own Bodyguard

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               Chapter 19: My Own Bodyguard

-Melissa POV-

"I love you so much," my mother says in between sobs. My step-father grins in amusement. I weakly get up and attempt to remove the the run from his hands. He pushes me to the ground and kicks me in the stomach and head making my vision go blurry. Hot tears continue to fall down my face onto the glass covered floor.

"Please stop," I weakly say. He points the gun to my mothers tempel and she smiles at me. I try to get up, but am too weak. I reach my hand out for her, my dizziness making her slip farther away from me.

"Mom....please....I love you," I choke out hoping she heard me. My step father looks at me and then my mother. "This is all you're fault," he says pushing the barrael of the gun harder into her tempel. Tears fall even harder and I am gasping for air.

"No!" I scream, but it was smothered with a gun shot.

"NO!" I scream launching out of bed. Sweat soaks my sheets and tears fall. My breathing is unsteady and my hands are shakey. I look at my watch and see it's 2am. I close my eyes and breath in out to calm myself. I had that damn nightmare again, it seems to get worse the more time passes. How can I continue to live with myself for what I did. It's all my fault. After she was shot thats when I finally-


Shit. Hopefully nobody heard me, it would suck if someone blabbled to Norma that her mental employee was screaming in the middle of the night. I wipe my face and nose and climb out of bed. I open the door only to find Dylan with a worried expression.

"Are you okay," he rushes.

"Well now I'm not."

"Why? Is someone in here," he asks while pushing past me and walking into my room in his pajamas. How did he hear me from the house and why isnt he wearing a shirt?

"Now there is. What are you doing here," I ask ignoring the fact that I just screamed myself awake and him being shirtless. I've felt his muscles before when he pushes me up against the fridge when I first met him. And might I add they were amazing, but I've never seen him shirtless and exposed before. It's new.

"I heard you scream dont play stupid with me," he angrily replies. 

"Here's a question for you. If I did scream how did you hear me if you were sleeping in you're house that is so far away from my room," I ask while closing the door. The cold air is barreling in and this room is already cold enough as it is.

"I was getting something from my truck," he said.

"At 2am?" His eyes avoid mine and retreat to the ground. I dont care if he was creepily spying on me or not. I just dont want him finding out the source of my problems, which is the only thing that he wants from me. He angrily walks towards me with daggers in his eyes. The hell is his problem?

"And you're problem is," I ask.

"Why were you with that guy near the site? You could have exposed the whole thing and could have gotten me in trouble." Serioulsy we are still on this? Is this what he was thinking about at two in the freaking morning?

"He wouldnt leave me alone so he stuck with me like freaking glue. And besides I was being careful," I panned.

"Yea right, he wouldnt leave you alone my ass. You two were glued to eachother from were I was standing," he spits. Is he jelous?

"For you're information we didnt kiss. We almost did, but didnt because you lip blocked us. Oh and thank you so much for calling me a slut it's not like that hurt me at all," I say sarcastically. His eyes soften a little at the word slut, but body remained stiff.

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